3 Places in Google Analytics that Indicate You Need a Responsive Website

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3 Places in Google Analytics that Indicate You Need a Responsive Website

A website with a responsive design adjusts itself to the screen size of the device used by the visitor. A responsive design is fast becoming a must-have for businesses to ensure good user experience and favourable search engine ranking.

Why Responsive Web Design

If you are wondering if your website needs a responsive design, a deeper look into your Google Analytics report can give you an answer. A specialist Wilmslow website design service can help you extract more information regarding your website’s performance on mobile devices by analysing more specific parameters.

For starters, the following three parameters can say a lot about how your website is faring on mobile devices:

User Sessions

Custom report from Google Analytics gives details on the percentage of traffic being sourced from mobile devices. Depending on the volume of mobile visitors, you can make a well-informed decision regarding opting for a responsive design.

A professional Wilmslow website design agency can help gather more specific information using parameters such as Device Category, Browser Version and Operating System Version. This filtering enables you to identify traffic for different mobile devices, and plan your responsive design strategy accordingly.

Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate refers to the visitor behaviour of leaving a website from the landing page itself without going to any other page. A high bounce rate on mobile devices (above 50%) is an indication of possbile issues with your website.

Your non-responsive design can frustrate users with the need to zoom in and out to view content. Readers, who are used to scanning web content, are more likely to leave your website and get the information on a more usable competitor website.

Goal Completion

A goal, in website terminology, is a desired action set for completion by a visitor. When a visitor completes the action, it becomes a conversion. Depending on your webpage, a goal may be buying a product, or submitting a sign-up form.

A low volume of goal completion on mobile devices could be an indicator of a poor website design. An expert Wilmslow website design agency can draw more detailed information regarding the necessity of a responsive design through an analysis of factors such as keywords, webpage content and visitor stay time on the page.

With more and more people using mobile devices to consume content, demand for a responsive design will only rise in future. It would be a prudent business step to opt for the design change to be a step ahead of competitors.

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