5 Great Industries That Can Benefit From Drone Film Footage

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5 Great Industries That Can Benefit From Drone Film Footage

What can drone footage do for you? In short, it can help your business find new customers. Many industries are beginning to realise this, as they see how their websites can be enhanced by sleek, airborne videos that showcase their impressive environments. Let’s face it, there’s just something very seductive about seeing footage from a camera flying through the air.

Blue Whale Media, the web design Warrington based agency, has invested in a sophisticated drone with a high definition camera attached to it. So we can provide you and your business with good quality drone footage – the kind of material that will impress your customers. But what type of business is ideal for drone footage? Here, we list five industries that fit the bill. But this is just the tip of the iceberg for the ever-growing drone footage industry.

Golf Courses

If you run a golf course, you really need to be thinking about getting drone footage of your fairways. It’s a great promotional tool, because it shows off your 18 holes. But it also provides your players with a fresh perspective on what to expect from your golf course. Which holes are the trickiest to navigate, for instance? Or which are the easiest?


Drone footage can show off the grounds of a hotel. This material can then be incorporated into an existing video, or used as a film in its own right. It gives the potential customer a bird’s eye view, so they get a real sense of what to expect from their stay in the hotel.

Adventure Playgrounds

How can you persuade a child – or an adult – that your adventure playground is a thrilling place to play in? The answer is to show them, with the help of drone footage. As the camera flies over your climbing frames, for instance, it will capture all the excitement of the challenging activities you offer.

Video Production Companies

As drone footage becomes increasingly common, in everything from news reports to promotional videos, it’s worth remembering that you can ask our Warrington web design agency to help with your latest production. We have all the qualifications you need to fly a drone commercially – as we have been given Permission for Commercial Operation (PfCO) from the Civil Aviation Authority. Our in-house graphic designer has undergone the training to become a drone pilot and he’s skilled in capturing footage that can complement any promotional film.

Tourist Boards

How do you persuade people to visit a historic site or a beautiful coastal path, for instance? Well, if you happen to work for a tourist board, you’d probably want to consider using drone footage. Naturally, there are obvious benefits to allowing people to see the amazing scenery on offer from their visit or their walk.

Contact Your Warrington Web Design Agency Today

If you’d like to find out more about drone footage, call or email Blue Whale Media. We’re experienced in supplying drone footage to many different industries – so we’d love to hear from you.

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