Content Marketing V Link Building from an SEO Warrington Agency

Content Marketing V Link Building from an SEO Warrington Agency

 When it comes to SEO Warrington, there is an age old debate regarding content marketing V link building. This dilemma has had SEO executives, business owners and Joe Public scratching their head since the days of SEO began.

There are benefits and drawbacks to both types of SEO, it really is up to you when it comes to which type of SEO suits your website.

Blue Whale Media is an SEO Warrington agency as well as a provider of bespoke websites, we help local businesses market themselves online through various SEO services.

So where do we stand on the whole content v link building debate?

Content Marketing- What Are the Benefits?

Content Marketing is fast becoming one of the most utilised forms of online marketing for businesses wanting to improve their rankings amongst search engines.

The great thing about content marketing is that it doesn’t have to break the bank. You can write blogs and articles yourself or hire a professional service to create them on your behalf.

Pay for however many you want and see your rankings improve. Another major benefit about content marketing is that, if you spend time writing the articles yourself or hire a credible SEO Warrington agency such as Blue Whale Media- you will end up with an extensive catalogue of literature relating to your business.

Content Marketing- What Are the Drawbacks?

The only major drawback to content marketing is the time scale it can take. Content strategies often have to be running for a couple of month before they can make a real impact on organic search engine results.                                             

Those looking for quicker results may be tempted to use PPC to improve their online presence.

The problem with PPC marketing is that once you stop funnelling money into your campaign, your presence disappears.

Link Building- What Are the Benefits?

Link building is a great way for websites to quickly improve their rankings amongst search engine results. The huge draw to link building is the short amount of time it can take for your website to rank.

If you are willing to invest the money, link building may be for you.

Link Building- What Are the Drawbacks?

There are plenty of drawbacks to link building, the process can be very costly due to the links having to be bought. The price of links all depends on their quality and unless you are willing to invest in your links, you may end up with non genuine links attached to your website.

Non Genuine links and spam links have the potential to harm your website’s rankings, if you amass an abundance of links in a short amount of time, then do not be surprised if you are penalised by Google and other search engines for engaging in black hat SEO.

Blue Whale Media as a trusted SEO Warrington agency strictly never engage in link farming or the acquisition of spam links.

The Verdict

When it comes to SEO Warrington, we have to agree with the world’s largest search engine Google by saying- ‘content is king’. Content marketing really is the way forward when it comes to SEO due to its long lasting impact and endless list of benefits.

Contact your SEO Warrington Agency Today

If you are serious about improving your website’s organic ranking amongst search engines, get in touch with Blue Whale Media today.

You can reach us at or call us on: 01925 552 050.

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