Tips to Improve Website Conversions

Tips to Improve Website Conversions

The website design Manchester team believe an efficient way to improve website conversions is to design your website with your customers’ best interests in mind. This results in a website that gives visitors what they want, and gets them stay longer.

Your ultimate goal, as a website owner, is to achieve conversions. This could be in the form of generating a qualified lead list, getting phone calls, or receiving store visits. All or any of these can result in sales, leading to an increase in your business revenue.

Hiring a website design Manchester agency experienced in creating websites for small and medium businesses presents greater chances of conversion success. Such professional companies understand your audience and their behaviours better, and create a design that delivers the best experience to them.

Here are some strategies that experienced website design Manchester companies opt for, to get a website perform to its peak potential, and fetch expected (or more) conversions:

Adopt a Responsive Design

Your audiences must be able to view your website on their devices before they even consider taking any action. Having a design that is severely restricted to a single device doesn’t work.

Audiences want information instantly. Do not expect them to try adjusting their screens to view your website clearly. Chances of them leaving your website immediately are more, if you have a non-responsive design.

A responsive design enables your website to adjust itself to the screen of the device the viewer is using.

Focus on Developing Trust

Visitors are more likely to take action if they feel they can trust you. Be as genuine as possible on your website. A few ways to generate trustworthiness include:

• Use real photographs of your company and people on “About Us” page, instead of stock photos of smiling models.
• Display customer testimonials on your product pages
• State the benefits of your product/ service for users, instead of talking about how great your product/ service is
• Include videos that show how your products/ service are solving real-time problems for users
• Testimonials by credible third-party businesses add further to trust factor. For example, viewers are more likely to trust a website with a Verisign SSL certification for its security.

Keep your Website Simple With A Website Design Manchester Agency

Visitors want what they are seeking for on a website within seconds. You need to prepare your website to capture visitor attention within these few seconds.

Loads of flash and animation, included to impress visitors, only slow down website loading time, and annoy them. They are sure to move to a competitor website for information. To increase chances of visitor stay time on your website:

• Favour a simple design that takes the user to the intended destination on your website with ease.
• Keep web forms, be it contact, subscription, or other, simple with as few fields (preferably 2 to 3) as possible.
• Include search options wherever required to enable users get information quickly
• Avoid visitor distraction by removing social media feeds. Include a link to your social page so that they can visit the page if they want to.

By being genuine and thinking from your audiences’ point of view, you can make your website design simple, straightforward and compelling. It takes the expertise of a website design Manchester company to convey the genuineness of your brand to your audiences, and get them on board.

Contact us on 01925 552050 now for a free website audit and consultation.

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