Blue Whale Media’s Work Experience Program

Blue Whale Media’s Work Experience Program

Trying to find work as a young student is often daunting and very difficult, which is why Blue Whale Media have been running a comprehensive work experience program for the past two years. This program is intended to open up the horizons of students, showing them what it’s like to work at a tech and media company while getting them acclimatised within an office environment.
Blue Whale Media’s work experience program is partnered with Warrington Collegiate and Beamont Collegiate Academy, allowing students from Year 10 to Year 13 to take part.

Finding Work Experience with Blue Whale Media

In order to find a work experience placement, students will be given a self-sourcement form, encouraging them to find a work placement that interests and inspires them. If not self-sourced, Beamont Collegiate Academy or Warrington Collegiate look for a work placement that matches the student’s strengths and career interests.

Once a placement has been found and decided upon, students are encouraged to contact the placement company to briefly introduce themselves and inquire about starting and finishing hours along with the office dress code.

The Blue Whale Media Office

Before a student is sent out on work placement, either Warrington Collegiate or Beamont Collegiate Academy send out a health and safety inspector to carry out checks and inspect the work environment. The inspector goes through the validity of the company and checks the office is equipped with necessities, working supplies and is equipped for any kind of emergency situation.

The Blue Whale Media office is a young open-office environment which aims to promote creativity and collaboration. The office is also home to our three wonderful dogs, George, Sid and Molli, so make sure you’re not allergic before you apply!

The Work You’ll Do with Blue Whale Media

Once we’ve approved a week for our work experience member to come in, we begin preparing the work schedule. Our manager will sit down with members from various teams and put together a balanced variety of tasks in a weekly schedule for the work experience student. This schedule involves an induction on the first day, where the student is shown around the office, introduced to the various teams and sign their work experience contract.

They will also be provided with task-specific training each morning so that they are well equipped and are prepared for the tasks to follow throughout the day.

Creating Opportunities for the Future

Here at Blue Whale Media our goal with the work experience program is to show young students one example of working life after school. We give them a taste of the daily routine of a web development and media company, allowing them to dip their toes in a variety of fields.

Blue Whale Media has been proud to host five work experience students, with one of them working full time with us now that he has finished college. We always look to offer work opportunities in the future for our most dedicated work experience students.

Contact Blue Whale Media for Work Experience Opportunities Today

Creating opportunities for young students is one of the core beliefs of Blue Whale Media, and the company is proud to be partnered with Warrington Collegiate and Beamont Collegiate Academy. Our work experience program looks to heighten and develop a wide array of skills necessary for young professionals.

If you’re interested in Blue Whale Media’s work experience opportunities, be sure to call us at 01925 552 050.