Why Apprenticeships Matter at Blue Whale Media

Why Apprenticeships Matter at Blue Whale Media

Why Apprenticeships Matter at Blue Whale Media

We know how daunting it can be for a young college or high school graduate to start looking at which career path they want to pursue. Many people aren’t quite ready or interested in the heavily committed approach that university offers and others are looking for a bit more guidance before diving into the professional world. Apprenticeships provide an opportunity to work within the sector that interests you while still providing you with guidance and education.

Below is some insight as to why Blue Whale Media finds apprenticeships so valuable, and how Blue Whale Media makes the most of the apprenticeship experience for the young graduates joining us.

Flexible and Job-Specific Training

A large part of why Blue Whale Media makes the most of apprenticeships is the flexibility and customisability of many apprenticeship programs. This allows us to ensure our apprentices are receiving relevant job-specific training that is closely related to their career aspirations. This is also important for Blue Whale Media, as we can ensure our apprentices are developing and being taught instrumental skills relevant to their everyday work.

Many apprentices at Blue Whale Media mention how important they believe it is to be put in a real work environment, as it pushes them to solidify and apply the skills they’re taught throughout their apprenticeship.

Recognised Industry-Specific Qualifications

Apprenticeships give young people who have decided on their aspiring career path the opportunity to learn the specifics of a particular job role. Unlike university, apprenticeships allow you to individually tailor each unit of a specific course, letting companies and apprentices work together to form a planned and applicable course of study. Recently, apprenticeships have also started including unique third-party workshops and examinations to provide industry-recognised qualifications.

With some of Blue Whale Media’s apprentices in training soon earning Google analytics qualifications, we are ecstatic that the apprenticeship program is continually improving and providing more qualifications and opportunities.

Inside Blue Whale Media Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships at Blue Whale Media involve four days a week of work and training with the company, with one day a week dedicated for the apprentice to work on coursework and to continue their study. In the office they’ll also be visited by their tutor, who oversees the apprentice’s progression through the course units and ensures that the workplace is a safe and comfortable work environment for the apprentice. The tutor is also present to answer any questions or concerns that the apprentice might have with his coursework, workload or work environment.

Our apprentices also have a few days a month where they attend their apprenticeship academy instead of work, continuing with their course studies and receiving lessons from an additional tutor related to their work and apprenticeship.

Keeping Creativity Flowing

Here at Blue Whale Media, we firmly believe that young minds are full of fearless creativity. Along with this, as a company working within the technology sector, we think it’s important to have the input of a digitally native generation. Apprenticeships allow Blue Whale Media to welcome and train young and committed individuals who are looking to make an impact and career for themselves immediately.

We are proud to say that we currently have three apprentices in the office, with another three former apprentices who completed their apprenticeships and still work with Blue Whale Media today.

Start Your Apprenticeship at Blue Whale Media Today!

Blue Whale Media is always looking for young individuals with self-initiative and desire to work in the media and technology industry. If you’ve been looking for what to do after you’ve finished school, an apprenticeship is a fantastic way to continue your education while stepping into the working world. Blue Whale Media works in a variety of sectors, from web design and videography to content writing and social media marketing.

If you’re considering an apprenticeship with us, take a look at our Facebook and Instagram channels along with the Meet the Team page on our website to get a feel for our company and get to know our staff. Whether you’re looking to join our team or want some more information about apprenticeships with Blue Whale Media, you can email us at info@bluewhalemedia.co.uk or speak with us at 01925 552 050.

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