Things to Know When Using WooCommerce

Things to Know When Using WooCommerce

When deciding on how you want your website to look like, you need to consider several things like the design, payments, shipment, and troubleshooting. You can also consider using apps and plug-ins in building your website. And if you are considering plug-ins, Woocommerce is just the right one for you. It comes with several themes that can help you achieve a specific look for your website. These themes are also user-friendly and can be easily edited depending to suit your needs.
With this in mind, Web Design Warrington, one of the best web designers in the market, will help you decide on how you can make your website unique and appealing to the public


The Storefront is a free flagship theme which can be integrated with WooCommerce. One of the best things about this theme is that it is flexible and has intuitive features which are compatible with Woocommerce.

It comes with a Homepage Control plugin which allows you to change the order of the elements on the homepage, depending on your preference.

Aside from that, you use the Storefront Hooks: Actions and Filters, which is a custom PHP plugin that you can use to customize the snippets in your website. If you are not familiar with PHP, you can use Storefront extensions that can assist you with the Storefront Hooks: Actions and Filters. You can also purchase other extension bundles for your website. You can buy the Storefront Powerpack and Storefront Mega Menus to change the design of your website.

One thing about this open-source software is that it allows you to choose themes and design it to suit your preference. You can use WordPress themes on your WooCommerce templates by using a template structure and override the template with the use of the themes.

If you wish to do this, make sure to check the template files whenever WooCommerce will release new template. In this way, you will get the updated templates for your website. You can also peruse the WooCommerce Developer Codex. It has all the snippets that will change the look of your website.

You can also use shortcodes if you are not comfortable editing the template. There are several extensions that can help you change the template without coding.


Shipping is one of the complex matters in WooCommerce. It has several requirements with configurations that you need to master when setting up your shipping set-up. It is very important that you try to keep it as simple as possible, though.

When setting up your shipping setup, make sure to set up your shipping zones. This is the geographical areas which have the same shipping costs. Once you have set this part, you can add the shipping methods for each shipping zone. Some of these have to be configured manually. To manually set this up, set the flat rate and free shipping with the WooCommerce core. You can also purchase the Table Rate Shipping for the complicated configuration for your website. Make sure to connect with your local and international carriers for their specific shipping zones. In this way, it can automatically generate the rates when shipping products from one place to another.

Another thing that you need to add is the dimension and weight of the shippable items. You can do this by editing the product in the Product Data in the shipping tab. It is important that you update this part regularly. This is to avoid miscalculations of the shipping cost.


According to Web Design Warrington, there are tons of gateway payments that you can choose for your website with WooCommerce. There are more than 100 different types of payment gateway extensions within WooCommerce and more in other marketplaces.

When choosing the best gateway for your website, make sure to do a little research. Web Design Warrington often suggest that you create a software to connect your payment systems.

For the best payment option for your website, choose the country and their currency. The WooCommerce extension can help you filter the country and choose the best available payment gateway for your website.

Another factor that you should also consider is the functionality. Make sure to set the functionality requirements for your website. In this way, you can limit the payment options available and help you narrow down your choices. Some companies would often use Subscription for their website. For them, this is one of the most functional payment methods for magazines, newsletters, and a whole lot more.

However, not all payment gateways are compatible with some systems. If you happen to have a recurring payment, there is a possibility that you can come across security and technical issues. You can use WooCommerce Subscription Extension for this. This extension contains the Subscription Payment Methods and Gateways Guide which contain the complete list of all compatible payment methods available in the WooCommerce website.

Lastly, choose a payment service provider that is applicable to your payment gateway. You can use PayPal. PayPal has several options, codebases, and subsidiaries that you can use for your website.

WooCommerce has several ways of making your website unique and much easier to navigate. You can also use some of its extensions and extension bundles to help you run your website. If you have problems, make sure to contact Web Design Warrington to assist you!

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