The Main Stages of Email Marketing

The Main Stages of Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a great way to get your company’s message out to a wide variety of people all at the same time. Not only that but email marketing allows you to fully customise the look and links within the email for different occasions and different offers that you may have. For email marketing to run successfully, there are a number of stages to be completed.


The first stage is to plan who you are going to send the email to. To do this, you should decide what your email is focussed on and create a target audience on who will be interested in the product/service you are selling. So, sending the email to people who have an interest or are relevant to what the email is about are the best people to send it to as not only will you get more leads from this but also you don’t want to send emails to people who are not relevant as they might feel like they are being spammed.


The next stage to email marketing is actually retrieving the people who you want to send the emails to. This could either be the email addresses from people who have signed up on your site or people who have bought something previously from your website. Once you have the contacts, you need to add them to your mailing list to turn them into subscribers. This could either be added to a general mailing list or a specific list that can be filtered for certain promotions or groups.


Following this step, you would then actually start to create the email. A good idea is to plan what the design of the email will be and also what content will be included. This is an important step as you want to make sure that you have a good ratio of text, pictures, links and other interactive features to keep the email interesting and also keep it relevant to what you are actually selling. This again links into the target audience again and how they would prefer to see the email and what they want to see to attract them to the email.


After you have created the email and got everything designed to how you planned, then it’s time to test the email. This could either be sent to yourself or a number of people around the company to see if there can be any improvements but mainly to see if everything is included that should be and to check the email is correctly working. A test email is important as if you don’t test the email, you could face the email being sent that include errors and overall showing the unprofessionalism of your company. Once the email has been checked then you can then schedule it or send it asap to your assigned list of subscribers.

Email Marketing Experts at Blue Whale Media

Now you’ve seen the whole process of Email Marketing, it’s time to get your email campaigns started with the help of Blue Whale Media. We have an expert team who can complete the whole process with you and you don’t have to create it! Our Marketing team work closely with the Graphic Design team who tailor your campaign to suit your branding. Find out more about our Email Marketing services by visiting our website or contact us on 01925 552050 to find out more.

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