Facebook Expands Its Engagement And Interaction By Launching Two New Tools

Facebook Expands Its Engagement And Interaction By Launching Two New Tools

Businesses are increasingly becoming aware of the effectiveness of their social media presence. Facebook engagement is one of the most popular social media insights. This occurs when users carry out some tasks on your page. This includes liking, clicking on a link or commenting on an image.

In the past Facebook has made it easier to promote offers. St Helens web design has taken the opportunity to utilise this interaction to offer discounts online or at the stores. A help page on Facebook has made it easier to engage with the clients.

This success has prompted Facebook to make an announcement to the effect that it was expanding the two main tools for engaging and interacting with the social media community. These are breaking news tags available for publishers and the local news feed that will be showcasing crucial community news. Here at St Helens web design, we are following this launch keenly as it will have an overall impact on how we carry out our promotion activities on Facebook.

Breaking News label

Facebook in a news item to the media, stated that it had run a pilot test with over 100 publishers in the American content, Europe, India, and Australia. This was so that they can identify stories and brand them as breaking news on Facebook.

The feasibility study showed that people were more interested in the news that were labelled as breaking news. Therefore it meant people will associate with the news that they feel are important.

In the initial rollout, Facebook will make the Breaking news label available to all Facebook customers in Australia, Germany, Spain, Mexico, France, and the United Kingdom. More tests will be done in the rest of Europe and Asia to test how users will respond. Facebook is confident that more publishers will get interested.

More publishers and businesses like St Helens web Design will generate more engagement and interaction this is due to the interest generated in the algorithm in the recent past.

Local News Update Module

This tool will be available in the news feed. It will be launched in 10 Australian cities. This is the first to be launched outside the United States.

This option will give users the top news in their areas from their local publications. The main features will be main posts from portfolios in your area, recent news items from local journals, new events and activities from nearby schools. St Helens Web Design will use this module to update our customers on important product news, launches, offers and improvements.


In yet another move, Facebook has hit the headlines by coming up with a tool that will change how online business is carried out. These two tools are in line with the Facebook mission to bring some positive change in the society, bring people to more active participation and timely delivery of information.

This came after Facebook carried out a study which found that poor access to social media content is harmful to a person’s wellbeing unlike when they are actively participating. St. Helens Web Design took this consideration as a sign of better things to come.

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