Get Your Business Website @ £40 Per Month Only at Blue Whale Media

Get Your Business Website @ £40 Per Month Only at Blue Whale Media

A business website is a valuable marketing tool for start-up businesses to keep up with today’s online-savvy consumers. Having a well-designed website need not be an expensive investment. With Blue Whale Media’s new £40 monthly package, start-up businesses can own a high-performing website at affordable costs.

An Affordable and High-Performing Online Solution

Cost is a huge challenge for start-up businesses. In trying to save budget for more important strategies, businesses may ignore or postpone investing in a website. This can be costly for a start-up as it stands to lose valuable business opportunities. As a web design agency catering to small and medium businesses exclusively, we understand that building a well-designed and competitive website can be challenging cost-wise for start-ups. Our new package is designed to meet the exclusive needs of start-up businesses, making simple and high-performing websites accessible to them.

Features that Matter for Start-Ups

Our £40-per-month business website package includes all essential features needed to give your start-up a strong online presence and a lasting brand image:

  • 4-page website (Homepage, About Us, Services and Contact Us)
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Choice of Colours
  • Choice of Google fonts
  • 1 Webmail email address
  • Social media integration
  • Domain name
  • Choice from 2 custom designs
  • Choice of slider images sourced from Shutterstock
  • Hosting & support services, including all security and software updates

Benefits of our £40-per-month Website Package

Apart from being affordable, our new package is designed to deliver a range of benefits for your start-up, including:

  • Business Credibility – A website is the first place a prospect visits to find more about your company. Our clean well-designed website is sure to convey a professional image to visitors.

With our 4-page design and simple navigation, prospects will be able to find all relevant information about your company within a few seconds.

  • Mobile-Friendly –Mobile internet usage is on the rise. A mobile-friendly design will help you tap into audiences looking for your services or products through mobile devices. A mobile-friendly design is also important for better search engine rankings.
  • Brand Creation– A well-designed logo is the first step to establishing a strong brand image. Our simple logo design is impactful and communicates your message clearly.

The simplicity of the logo makes it easy for audiences to remember you, and recall your company immediately wherever your logo appears, establishing thereby an impressive brand connect. Our £40-per-month website package is a great way to create a powerful online channel for your business. Contact us 01925 552050 for any queries regarding the package.

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