Headers – The Most Important Feature of Your Ecommerce Website

Headers – The Most Important Feature of Your Ecommerce Website

The top header space of your ecommerce website represents your brand to your visitors. Just as an impressive storefront increases your chances of attracting potential buyers, your header determines whether you’ll sell or not. It is therefore important to use this space strategically to impress and influence visitors. An experienced ecommerce Warrington company can increase your brand power and saleability with a well thought out header space. Here’s how you too can use the space efficiently:

Convey Familiarity with your Logo

Your online audience will be able to connect to your brand more easily if they have something familiar on your ecommerce website. Your logo, being your primary identity, serves the purpose impressively. Often, the top left space of a web page is used for the logo. Ensure that your logo always takes the user to the homepage.

Use Search Functionality for Better User Experience

Having a search functionality saves time for visitors and enables them to get to their object of interest sooner. A search bar often appears to the right of the header space or can also be positioned at the centre of the header. Ensure that your search bar is readily visible to visitors. A sensible ecommerce website design company avoids placing similar box-based-input features such as store locator, login, or newsletter sign-up, in the header space, to prevent visitors from getting confused.

Be Discovered with a Master Product Menu

A master product menu that lists all the main product categories enables you to showcase all your main items without the risk of being missed. Depending on your product range, having a menu listing 5 to 12 important product categories is an efficient strategy. Since the header space is limited, a mouse-over functionality can be used to list sub-categories within each category.

Influence with Prominent Display of Offers

The header space is an apt space to showcase your offers and promotions. Use an efficient copywriter to explain your offers and discounts in brief, highlighting only main points. The header space is the space that your audience first gets to see on your ecommerce website. Placing features that are of utmost use to your visitors can result in an impressive user experience. An expert Warrington website design service can increase your brand visibility manifold with several proven and strategic techniques without crowding your header space. At Blue Whale Media, we have experts with 50+ years of combined experience in building successful ecommerce websites. Our team can design and build ecommerce websites. We can also manage end to end functions of your ecommerce website. Contact Blue Whale Media today.

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