Marketing Yourself during the Holiday Season

Marketing Yourself during the Holiday Season

The holiday season is just around the corner. It’s that time of the year when you get busy shipping orders and selling items at gift festivals. A big marketing drive might not be ideal since people are busy with holiday activities, the best thing is to be there and try to adjust your marketing efforts during the low season.

Obtain your customer’s Email Addresses

During the trade fairs, create a document where users can sign up. You can also issue them with business cards. In your Web pages, social media pages allow people to subscribe, and while they do, they will provide their contacts. During your one on one interactions, you can take the opportunity to ask for their email addresses while noting them down. Web Designers Warrington has a list of all their customers’ emails.

Use Social Media

The social media is a modern method that you can use to promote your content and interact with your customers, prospects and other stakeholders. Post an advert and observe the level of engagement through likes, shares, and comments. This kind of interactions will build a long-term relationship.

You can create YouTube videos where you appreciate your clients for being part of your company’s success during the year. Ask the clients to subscribe to the video. Observe the comments and testimonials. Web Designers Warrington uses social media as a useful communication tool.

Send Bulletins

If you are not able to contact everyone in your mailing list due to a busy schedule. You can devise a way of communicating with them frequently. Web Designers Warrington sends newsletters to clients during Christmas.

Instead of sending them content every other time you can come up with a news item that will catch their attention after a long period of silence. Surprise your customers with a massive bulletin after months of silence.

You can drop a line about your holiday offers and any promotions to appreciate your customers, but don’t get yourself stressed, communicate what is essential.

Make your Content Available in Pinterest

It’s the holidays, and you don’t want to waste a lot of time promoting your products since everyone is quite busy. Just take some little time on Pinterest and attach something on the board. People might see it and get the message. Web Designers Warrington utilizes the board for promotions.

Respond to your Contacts

Take time to reply to emails, your blog posts, and comments on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Take time to thank people and appreciate them for being your esteemed clients. Maintain a friendly tone so that they can know you are still available. Failure to reply to their messages might give the impression that you are ignorant. Web Designers Warrington responds to all their customers.

Send Christmas Cards

Take some time to prepare some appreciation cards to send to your contacts. You can send Christmas cards and packages to your clients. If your organization is large and you are operating on a low budget, you can convey appreciation and holiday wishes emails to your contact list. It would be ideal since your clients will surely remember you in the New Year.


No more worries that you might lose touch with your clients, by following the above, it will ensure there is constant customer-client communication.

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