How Custom Websites are Better than Template Websites

How Custom Websites are Better than Template Websites

When it comes to choosing between a custom website, from a web design Warrington company, and template websites, the former wins with their ability to deliver brand individuality, greater design control and higher degree of customisation. Businesses primarily use two website-building approaches. One is creating a website from a readymade template, and the other involves having a professional designer do the job.

Building a template-based website may seem a low-cost and easy option requiring little or no technical expertise. But, as your business grows, the limitations outrun the benefits, and the website can become more of a liability than an asset. If you want a robust online medium that delivers at every stage of your small business, then a custom website is the best option. To achieve success with a custom website, it is crucial that you team up with a skilled and experienced web design Warrington service. Here are some benefits of custom design websites that make them better options than their template-based counterparts:

Uniqueness From A Custom Web Design Warrington Agency

A custom website enables you to convey your business’ uniqueness. An individual personality is basic to building a brand that speaks for itself. With templates, you are just one of the many businesses using such websites. When you work closely with a web design Warrington team to build a custom website, you infuse your vision into every aspect of the website. Thus, the website layout, colours, images, content, navigation, and all other elements, get to possess a uniqueness. This uniqueness lends a special tone and style when presented to audience, which makes your brand stand out in the crowd.

Greater Control over Design

A business website is about giving your customers a specialised brand experience. This includes having features that increase their convenience or engagement with your brand. With a template-based website, you are required to get along with features already built into the system. A custom website gives you the freedom of choosing features that enable you deliver an experience customised to your audience. For example, with a custom website, you can have a responsive design that adjusts according to user’s device. In addition, a custom website can be better optimised to search engine requirements than a template-based one. Certain code-work behind template-based websites can prevent efficient SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). This code-work cannot be eliminated as it enables the website to be compatible with the built-in CMS (Content Management System).


A custom website allows you to mould it to your requirements as your business expands. Thus, if you want to add an online store, you could do it better with a custom design. Some templates may not allow such inclusion. In addition, custom websites allow for a highly secure design as they allow inclusion of many fool-proof features. Security plugins in template websites come with limited functionality in contrast. A custom website may be costly and time-consuming than a template website. But, with a competent web design Warrington partner, you can turn your custom website into a powerful online channel for sales, revenue, customer experience and brand reputation. Blue Whale Media is well-equipped to give your business the competitive edge it needs not just to survive but to thrive, consistently. With years of experience, our team is quick to understand your business requirements and your audience to create a cleanly-coded website that delivers results.

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