My 2019 Goals for Blue Whale Media

My 2019 Goals for Blue Whale Media

Having new goals and new year resolutions sounds is a great way to get organised and keep yourself on track in the upcoming year. This is until you find yourself ankle deep in a box of chocolates… This year I’ve decided not to make dietary new year resolutions, but to make goals and targets for myself in everyday life and work. First things first, I need to get organised. I need to figure out what it is I want to achieve and set the goals.

Organisation – Schedules

Being organised is a big part of keeping on track in the new year. I’ve decided that I need to get organised at work, i.e. making sure I have all upcoming events and plans noted in my diary so that nothing is missed or forgotten about. Sticking to a work schedule is harder than it sounds. Last year I found that I was running over on tasks that didn’t need an awful lot of time, or I was finishing tasks sooner than expected and moving on to tomorrows work. 2019 is my time to get organised with it all.

Push myself – networking events +

When attending networking events, I’ve noticed that I hold myself back when it comes to talking to new people. Towards the end of the year, I attended multiple networking events and began to speak up and have my say. I felt a big improvement from the beginning of the year, and I intend to work on this for the events in 2019.

Training – certified + knowledge of business

In 2018, I completed a fair few training courses; Yoast, GDPR, SEO, are to name a few. But for 2019 I intend to up my game by becoming Facebook certified. In addition to this, I plan to research other social media platform courses, i.e. Hootsuite, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Google Plus. I believe that going through these training courses will enable me to have a better understanding of the platforms and will enable me to use them to my best ability. I also think training on services and company knowledge would benefit myself and everyone else in the office when talking to potential customers.

Charity Events

At Blue Whale Media, we take part in national charity events and we even come up with our own. In the past, we have climbed Snowdon, participated in Macmillan’s Coffee Morning, Cupcake Day for Alzheimer’s, Football Tournament, 5k Fun Run, and a 10k. As a team, we have some planned for 2019 and we can’t wait to accomplish them! You’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for what’s to come in the new year.

What Blue Whale Media can give to you

Blue Whale Media help out multiple charities with the work that we do to support many organisations. Not only can we help them, but we can help you with the tech side. Our expert team can create a brand new website, the best social media campaign you’ll get and creative content writing for all your needs. Not forgetting our brand-new service, Drone Media! Drone aerial footage is a gorgeous way to define and establish your brand, whether it be with a short commercial video for a piece of real estate or aerial photography to show off your landscaping work. Contact our team right now!

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