Why You Should Use Video Marketing

Why You Should Use Video Marketing

In this blog, I will attempt to explain why you should use videos as part of any marketing strategy and to describe the effective types of video to use. I will do this by stating the facts about what people look for in a video. This blog is to help you realise that video can be far more beneficial to a company that print and direct mail combined.

The Importance of Video Marketing

From traditional television commercials in the 1960s to today’s YouTube, Snapchat and even Facebook Live, it’s no secret that video has become a major part of our everyday lives.

Videos are convenient and efficient for the consumer and video marketing provides marketers with a versatile, attractive and extremely shareable medium to reach their audiences. Research shows that online video is a 600% more effective marketing tool than print and direct mail combined.

These are a few researched facts into video marketing:

  • 75 million people in the U.S. watch online videos every day.
  • By merely mentioning the word ’video’ in an email subject line, the click-through rate increases by 13%.
  • Nearly 50% of all video is watched on a mobile device.
  • By 2019, internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic.
  • Videos up to 2 minutes long get the most engagement.

Different Ways of Using Video Marketing

Video marketing can be used in many different ways, it can be an explainer video, landing page video, service video or sales video. These different types of video can be used really effectively if done with a professional marketing team.

Social Media Content

By far the most effective source of video marketing would be social media content. 82%of users watch video content on Twitter. Over one billion people use YouTube as a video streaming platform, that’s almost a third of the total internet users. Also, YouTube reaches 18-34-year-olds more effectively than television. In fact, more video content is uploaded in 30 days than U.S. television has created in 30 years.

Why Use Video Marketing?

Humans have a really bad attention span and its only getting worse. Marketing using video helps deliver messages more effectively in a shorter amount of time, while also striking an emotional cord through visual and auditory storytelling element not present in text.

There is also increased engagement with video marketing as social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. The videos on Facebook pages increase end-user engagement by 33%.

Video Marketing has a massive influence on traffic, lead and sales. Embedded video in websites can increase traffic by up to 55%.

Video Marketing Tips

Here are a few tips to consider when going into video marketing! Ensure that the videos you are making are optimised for mobile viewing as previously stated, nearly 50% of all video is watched on a mobile device.

Keep it to a minimum, nothing over 2 minutes as humans don’t have the attention span to watch a video that long.

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