My first week at Blue Whale Media

My first week at Blue Whale Media

My first week working for Blue Whale Media is over and it has been an absolute joy. Starting a new job is always nerve-wracking, but thankfully my nerves were calmed the moment I sat at my desk.

The Team

When I came for my interview at Blue Whale Media, I could already feel the calm and relaxed atmosphere in the office. Working in an office with a team of people who very clearly enjoy each other’s company has had such a positive effect on my attitude to work. My welcome into the team has been warm and friendly and I have comfortably settled into my role on the Marketing Team. Everyone is always willing to help answer my questions and generally put me at ease.

The Work

My work at Blue Whale is a world away from my previous roles in retail! I have spent my week writing blogs and completing courses on SEO practices and copywriting. I have written so much over the past 5 days that I’m sure I’ve seen some smoke coming from my pen. My work so far has been steady and interesting. I particularly enjoy the variety of businesses that I get to research and write about. I come to work hungry and ready to get stuck in

What have I enjoyed the most?

For me, having the freedom and support to create engaging content has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Heading in to work in the morning has become enjoyable (apart from M62 traffic) because I know that my day is going to be used well. I am challenged to create quality content on a daily basis, and it keeps me on my toes.

I have also enjoyed meeting my new work family. If you’re spending 5 days a week at work, it should be with people you enjoy being around. Thankfully, that is the case here at Blue Whale Media.

What am I looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to improving my skills and creating engaging content full time. It is a welcome change to come to work and get to be creative and collaborative. I’m also looking forward to getting to know my colleagues better. I’m also looking forward to the group activities that are scheduled, like the colour rush and charity bake-offs. My brave colleagues are even walking up Ben Nevis in the spring, but I think I will cheer them on from the safety of the ground!

Final thoughts

Finally, I’d just like to thank Blue Whale Media for welcoming me to the team and helping me with the next stage of my career. I’m excited for the future here as a content writer and for the challenges that await!

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