The perfect Instagram profile for your business



The perfect Instagram profile for your business

Does your business use social media as a means of advertisement? Okay, how much do you use Instagram? You’re probably reading this thinking that Instagram isn’t relevant to your industry. Let me tell you why you can’t be more wrong.

Instagram is relevant in EVERY industry because for every industry out there, there is at least one Instagram user who is interested. Go over to Instagram right now and search for “#” followed by your industry, I think you’ll be quite surprised with the engagement that the top posts receive.

Set yourself up to be found

Optimising your Instagram profile is essential if you want to be found by your audience. There are a few steps to optimising your profile, but once you’ve completed them it makes a massive difference.

How to set yourself up to be found:

  • Create a public profile: Having a public account allows anybody to view your profile. This is exactly what you want for your business profile, as it means that just about anybody can engage with your page. When you set up your Instagram profile, it will be set to public by default. If your account is set to private then follow the steps below to change it back to public. Set your account to public:
    -Go to your Instagram profile.
    -Tap the menu icon in the upper right corner
    -Go to settings
    -Click on Privacy and Sharing
    -Go to account privacy
    -Toggle “Private Account” to off.
  • Create a distinct username: If you don’t have an easily recognizable username, then it could be difficult for your audience to find you. Not only that, but long usernames with unnecessary characters could look unappealing. Your businesses name is the best way to go when picking your username, as it’s already your business name. Sometimes your username will be taken and you will have to amend it to ensure that you’re using an available username that is relevant to your business. Blue Whale Media’s Instagram username is @BlueWhaleMediaL
  • Set your profile picture: When setting up your business Instagram profile, it should be a given to use your companies logo as your profile photo. This will help you stand out when people are searching for your business. It will also add a layer of trust between you and your audience because let’s face it, seeing a company logo looks a lot more professional than seeing a selfie.
  • Create a captivating bio: Use your Bio to your advantage. Give your audience a good amount of information about who you are and what you represent, but don’t give too much away. Write your bio about your core principals and maybe even add a hashtag or two and then let your content do the rest of the taking.

Good Quality Photos & Videos

Good quality photos and videos are essential on Instagram in today’s day and age. We live in a world where even mid-range smartphones have great cameras. You don’t need an expensive DSLR camera of Ultra 4K Camcorder to shoot your content, all you need is a half-decent smartphone. If you have an iPhone or one of the latest Samsung phone then you probably won’t be able to tell the difference between that and a professional camera.

Proper Editing

A well-edited photo can speak a thousand words. There is an abundance of software available to edit amazing photos. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom are two of the best editing software that I have encountered.

If you don’t have the time or money to invest in these applications, then I would recommend Instagram’s built-in editor, which makes it surprisingly straight-forward to edit your photos.

When editing your photos, you want to accent the colours in the image. For example, if you’re uploading a picture of flowers then accenting the green and maybe some oranges would work well.

Subject Matter

The subject matter of your profile is of the utmost importance. What is it that you’re trying to convey? What is your message? Is your content relevant to your business?

Consistency is key, especially when it comes to your business’s online presence. It is good practice to keep your content relevant to your business. It can be easy to go off topic but remember that the core purpose of your Instagram account is to promote your business, so you should be posting relevant content.

Post Consistently

It’s all well and good having a well optimized Instagram account where you use the perfect imagery that is beautifully edited, but if you do not post consistently then none of this matters. Instagram’s algorithm is designed to show you relevant content first. This means that if you’re inactive then you will have less of a chance of being noticed by your follows. Don’t get me wrong, you will still get attention, just nowhere near as much as you would.

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