Similarities and differences between Shopify and WooCommerce



Similarities and differences between Shopify and WooCommerce

WooCommerce and Shopify are e-commerce platforms which are used in the development of online stores and help to manage their online business activities such as sales etc. Ecommerce Warrington has confirmed that these platforms are relatively easy to use, and business owners interested in setting up their online stores can easily do so without the need of hiring professional help. However, there are a few differences between these two platforms which users have to consider to choose the one which best suits their various needs.

Differences in Shopify and WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin which has been designed to open source. This means the original code is available for free and can be modified by the user to suit their specific requirement. Shopify, on the other hand, is a closed platform and there are restrictions to the extent to which your online store can be modified.

According to Ecommerce Warrington Shopify comes equipped with a free SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate, which is necessary for the encryption of the user’s browser and business server communication. This is necessary for the prevention of potential hacks, which may lead to customer mistrust or losses. WooCommerce allows the integration of a free SSL certificate manually although many customers have been reported to pay for the service.

WooCommerce comes with English as its default language of use; however, other multiple languages are supported via the use of various plugins. Shopify, on the contrary, does not require plugins for the multilingual advantage. This e-commerce platform comes with an inbuilt ability to support several languages which promotes easy universal communication. Furthermore, the Shopify platform comes with an unlimited file storage space which the user has access to while WooCommerce is dependent on the website’s host for their file storage.

Similarities of Shopify and WooCommerce

Both of these e-commerce platforms have a structure which is mobile friendly. Ecommerce Warrington believes that a large number of people who access these online stores looking for various goods or services do so using their mobile phones. A substantial percentage of people in the world have access to smartphones, and there is a considerable risk of losing a lot of potential customers if they can’t access via phones.

Both Shopify and WooCommerce allows the business owners to display prices, including or excluding the tax values. The platforms, however, have a feature which computes the taxation and the shipping charges of the product which you have bought depending on the location of the buyer. They also provide a platform with which an unlimited number and range of the businesses products or services can be sold online, which is beneficial in strategically increasing the number of overall sales.

These two platforms both have a lot of themes which users can choose from to customize and style their online stores into what they feel is unique and appealing to their customers. Ecommerce Warrington is confident that your theme used on the online store will ensure the visiting customers get a unique and fulfilling experience on the online store. This effect might help retain customers, ensuring their return anytime they are looking for products which is good for business.

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