Designing for print media VS digital media

Designing for print media VS digital media

Although most design tasks nowadays are created for the purpose of digital media there are still some keys differences to why print media can be a better option. Even though they are both so different they still use the same design applications to make them. For me personally, it’s always nice to design in physical forms whether that’s a roller banner or a flyer. However, its also nice to see digital design work within a website or social media as it is more likely to be seen by more people.

Changing the Graphics

As print design comes in a physical it means once it is designed and printed then it can’t be changed without replacing it at an expense. This can jeopardise budget restrictions as it is expensive to create fresh batches for just minor tweaks. When designing for the web, designs can be previewed and tested to see if they look right and therefore fit the brief. This does not mean that designer can’t test print designs as designers can create mock-ups of what they might look like but the final version can never be recreated at no expense. The flexibility that digital media offers is considerably better when meeting deadlines as changes and timings will be easier and quicker. Print design overall just requires a bit more planning.

User Engagement

The way users will perceive and interact with your designs when seeing it on a screen or in physical form. The design for digital purposes, you want to make sure your design is clear and navigable. Unlike the print world, in the digital world there is data that can show you how effective your designs are. This therefore puts an added element when thinking about the design process. Print designs rely more on location and purpose when making a judgement. For engagement from users to be successful the print and digital media needs to be used in the right way.


As already mentioned print designs are great for engaging viewers on a physical level as they have the chance to touch and feel print. If the design is meant to be handled, then textures can be added to the designs to make them more aesthetically pleasing. This is something that can lack when creating digital designs.

Space and Layout

When creating designs for print the designer often finds themselves limited to the space they can use as there are particular sizes for different print designs. Sizing all needs to be considered for print as text needs to be legible. With the digital aspect of design, space is less often thought about although can come into factor sometimes. It’s more when different screen sizes are used etc.

Colour and Resolution

Obviously colour from both print and web differs a lot. Print makes use of the Colour Cyan, Yellow, Magenta and Black otherwise known as CMYK. However digital design used RGB which is Red, Blue and Green. This isn’t necessarily an advantage or disadvantage for both however if used in wrong colour formats than it can ruin the look of a design. You will be able to use more vibrant colour when using RGB as opposed to CMYK.

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