All You Need to Know About WordPress


All You Need to Know About WordPress

WordPress was introduced to the world in May 2003. It is an opensource platform; this means anyone can download, install and use WordPress. While it is easy to download and install the platform, it is best left to professionals to set the CMS up in the right way in accordance with your requirements. Being an opensource platform, WordPress is available to anyone for use and modification. There is a dedicated WordPress web design and website developer community that proactively monitors the platform and works on new security updates and features, bug resolution and patch creation.

With its high security, usability, and affordability, WordPress is one of the most preferred platforms for many companies and individuals around the world. From governmental agencies to major corporate companies, leading brands, smaller businesses, start-ups, educational institutions and avid bloggers, WordPress has advocates across the board.

Interesting Facts about WordPress

Today, WordPress web design is behind 27% of websites running on the Internet. In terms of content management systems (CMS), it is the topmost product occupying 76.4% of share in the CMS market.

No individual or company owns WordPress. But, its trademark is protected by the WordPress Foundation. Established by Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress, this Foundation works to protect the opensource license of the platform.

WordPress offers over 50,000 plugins that are free to use. In addition, there are several thousand paid plugins that help achieve advanced functionalities and deliver best user experience. Plugins are powerful WordPress tools that enable you to add advanced features and functionality to your website. You can create a feature as simple as a contact form, or build an entire online store using plugins.

WordPress is available in 65+ world languages. In fact, a lot of themes and plugins support multiple languages. So, if you are looking to build a multi-lingual website, a WordPress agency can help you create such a global website by integrating relevant plugins.

There are exclusive WordPress events called WordCamp events that are organised regularly. On a smaller range, there are WordPress Meetups undertaken by local communities worldwide under the supervision of WordPress Foundation.

There has been a tremendous increase in the number of WordPress websites using SSL Encryption. 2016 saw an increase in the creation of such websites, from 4% to 11.45%. The count is set to increase further as WordPress is aggressively stressing on such HTTPS websites.

Benefits of WordPress

Mobile-Friendly Design – There are several mobile responsive themes to make your WordPress web design work perfectly on smartphones and tablet PCs.

Create Different Types of Websites – WordPress is not just for blogs. You can create an entire business website, shopping store, gallery, portfolio portals, rating websites, video collection platform, or anything you want to, in the best of ways.

Support for Different Content Types – WordPress is a highly flexible platform that allows you to mould it the way you want to. So, if you are looking to publish videos, photos, audio, or embed different media from other platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, then WordPress shows you the way!

It is Naturally Search-Engine Friendly – WordPress comes with clean coding, which means there is a clear structure to your website. As instructions flow without any interruption, your website does its work without any hiccups. Search engines love clean codes as such websites are easier to crawl and index. With WordPress adding and editing content is a breeze. When you regularly update your website with relevant content, you attract search engines automatically.

High Degree of Customisability – With innumerable free and paid themes and plugins, WordPress web design presents limitless opportunities to make your design highly aesthetic and functional.

Greater Website Security – You get basic protection by enabling basic security features. There are several free and paid plugins to enhance your security. In addition, WordPress is regularly updated, which eliminates security loopholes in previous versions efficiently.

Availability of Dedicated Support – There is a dedicated developer community that keeps working on bettering the WordPress platform. There are several authentic WordPress-dedicated platforms such as blogs and forums that serve as help centres for problem resolution. WordCamp events and Meetups are also great resources to find reliable support.

WordPress Web Design Tips for Your Business

Choose a Theme that Best Fits your Business – Stylish, contemporary, traditional, wacky or fun, WordPress has something and everything to suit the exact voice of your company.

A professional theme pre-categorised for business use is the safest bet if you are unsure of a theme that would suit you best.

Choose the Right Plugins for the Best Results – There are many business-oriented plugins in WordPress that enable you to make the best of the platform for your business.

For example, there are SEO plugins to increase your website rankings; backup tools to safeguard your business data in case of any eventuality; analytic tools that present insights into website visitors, their behaviour, and the conversion efficiency of your website – this enables you to revise your website for more efficient results.

Why Hire a WordPress Agency

When it comes to your website design, you should not compromise. As a reflection of your brand, the design should speak your brand language in every way. A WordPress agency is the best resource to design a highly customised theme that best suits your brand tone in case no pre-built theme suits your business.

While there are several business-specific plugins, it takes an expert eye to choose the best of them for your benefit. A WordPress agency, with its knowledge of your business and WordPress platform, can provide great support.

Reliability of plugins is crucial to derive best results. A WordPress conducts a meticulous background check of every plugin and theme. It determines reliability based on parameters such as source, developer history and available support for the plugin.

From enabling basic to the most advanced of settings, a WordPress agency can help you customise your website exactly to your business and security needs.

How WordPress is Different from Other Platforms

WordPress rates high against other CMS platforms in its flexibility of use; availability of a wide variety of design and user experience features (customisability); greater frequency of updates; quick installation; and the extent of community support.

Interested in a WordPress web design website? Get in touch with Blue Whale Media today for a free consultation and quote.

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