How To Successfully Run An Email Marketing Campaign

How to make your email marketing campaign a success

How To Successfully Run An Email Marketing Campaign

About 269 billion emails get sent every single day all across the world. There is a ton of competition in email marketing campaigns, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible. There is just about enough room for you to successfully operate an email marketing campaign today. You need to take up the right measures for capturing the attention of your desired target audience. We will guide you through the step-by-step process here in this article.

What Is an Email Marketing Campaign?

An email marketing campaign consists of an email sent from a company to another or more prospects/customers. An email marketing campaign that successfully influences the recipients to start taking action and proceed in engaging with your company. It will help garner more sales and leads.

The majority of the global population utilizes email daily, so that is one major highlight of email marketing. About 74% of teenagers and 90% of adults use email daily. So, you can see why email marketing is suitable for creating and mending customer relationships.

The Steps to Run a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Here are the key steps towards building a profitable email marketing campaign:

Creating a List of Target Emails

An email list that contains qualified leads is the successful one. Start building a targeted email list by converting all your site viewers into subscribers. 80% of site visitors often leave without signing up, so we recommend utilizing exit-intent popups to convert the abandoning viewers into potential subscribers and buyers.

Exit-intent popups tend to detect user’s behavior for prompting them with a targeted campaign during the precise moment of them leaving your site for good. This brilliant technology helps in skyrocketing your conversions.

Goal Familiarity

You have to know your goals and be sure of what you are trying to achieve. Your goals may be about welcoming new customers, increasing engagement, nurturing the present subscribers, re-engaging subscribers, and segmenting all of your subscribers, etc. Also, it is possible to set your email marketing goals based on your conversion goals.

Email Types

You need to understand the distinct email types that you can send. There are three email types:

Promotional Emails – These emails are self-promotional, and they talk about sales and offers.

Relational Emails – These emails give readers what you promise them, such as a weekly newsletter, usable relevant information, gifts, etc.

Transactional Emails – These emails consist of welcome messages, acknowledgments of customizations to the subscriber information, and confirmations of subscriber signups and purchase or order.

Knowing Your Audience

If you are familiar with email marketing, then you probably know your audience and their interests. But if you are a beginner in this, you will have to start whipping up some educated guesses to target your audience. But once you send out your very first campaign, you will start gathering subscribers. In this way, you will have real data next time to work with.

Using Technology Effectively

Email marketing services with the best services have tools for creating more successful campaigns. Make sure to look for tools that allow easy campaign automation and creation, including both workflows and templates.

Also, integrations with software like OptinMonster and WordPress is a smart move. You need to look for ways in segmenting your audience, and extensive analytics for email campaign performance will be beneficial for the business.

Building Optins

Creating great optin forms helps capture the attention of many viewers and also encourage them to sign up. Start experimenting with multiple optin forms on numerous areas of your website, including welcome gates, lightbox popups, and exit-intent popups. For better results, start placing the optins in various places and decide how they appear with rules and page-level targeting. It will help maintain effectiveness and reduce the annoyance.

Emails + Follow-Ups

Once you are aware of your goals, audience, email type and started attracting subscribers to your list with the targeted optins, you need to start planning your emails and follow-ups. Avoid overwhelming your subscribers with too many emails, or you will end up in the spam section. Always remember to stick to the intended schedule from the start, which you told them.

Crafting Your Subject Line

A subject line plays a vital role in getting readers to click and open your emails. It is just as important as the catchy headline present on your blog post. The range for the subject line will be from 41-50 characters, which is quite limited. So, you need to be creative and frugal with your wordings while coming up with something unique and attention-worthy.

You can improve your subject line by offering sneak peeks on what they will get from your service, adding personalization, avoiding spam triggering words, and borrowing a high-converting tool for email subject lines.

Writing a Copy

Now you have to create your copy of email marketing. It is important to create a hook at the beginning that will attract the readers to stay for more. Keep it short, and always avoid pitching in your offer from the get-go for better results. Make sure to address your subscribers by their names because personalized emails tend to be more successful.

You can also consider other items for your email copy, such as a personal story that moves people, something valuable in your content that attracts readers, and a video, poll, GIF, or survey for more activities and keeps it exciting. Also, don’t forget to add an effective CTA at the end.

Email Marketing Design

A lot of times, email designs tend to make or break in securing a potential customer. If your email looks terrible, then it reflects your brand to the readers. Make sure to use responsive email templates. Also, use texts instead of images for better accessibility and interaction. Your description should capture the reader’s attention, who just might end up loving your images if you add any.

Testing and Tracking

You need to test everything, such as the design, layout, call to action (CTA), email marketing copy, and subject lines. Try testing emails with various segmentations and also experiment with email sending too. Another important job would be to monitor the email analytics through your service provider, which relates to open, clickthroughs, forwards, and unsubscribe. It will help you in figuring out what is working and what isn’t.

Summing It Up!

If you have made it to this section of the article, then you are fully equipped to start running your email marketing campaign. And it won’t just be any campaign but a super successful one. We are compiling these steps for you because of how effective and fruitful it is. We highly advise you to follow each of these steps diligently and witness a profitable email marketing campaign.