Blogging Mistakes To Avoid In 2021

The most common blogging mistakes you need to avoid in 2021.

Blogging Mistakes To Avoid In 2021 

Every writer has a story to share about the blogging mistakes they made during their career. Making mistakes is okay and it’s understandable, what’s important is that these mistakes are avoided and lessons are learned from them.

With that said, it’s indisputable that blogs are a crucial part of a brand’s content marketing strategy, many businesses commit mistakes that could undermine the huge potential of their blog.

With the right tools, resources and research, any beginner can become a veteran blogger in no time. At Blue Whale Media, our team were all beginners at one point in their careers, now they have become experienced bloggers who can share their expertise. Here’s what blogging mistakes to avoid in 2021.

Identify what resonates with your audience

If you want your blog content to perform and earn further engagement, it must resonate with your audience and compel them to take action. One of the biggest mistakes is assuming that your content will perform if you haven’t considered what your audience would like to read or the actions you want them to take. By defining your client or buyer persona you can bridge the gap with your content and actually write content about what matters to them. 

Write like you talk, rather than your writing being stiff. 

Writing a blog is very different from writing an essay, an essay isn’t something people enjoy reading. Let’s be honest, not everybody who visits your blog or website is going to read the whole thing. If you want to keep them interested you have to make the content engaging so they want to keep reading, you can do this with a writing style that is effortless to read. The more approachable your writing is, the more people will enjoy reading it. People want to feel like they’re doing business with real people, not robots. 

Show your personality, don’t tell it. 

When people first start blogging they think their audience will be interested in their interests, that’s not the case. Infuse your personality with eclipsing the topic. By infusing your personality within your writing you can make your audience more comfortable. You can do this by making the tone of your writing personal approachable and engaging, just like you would in a day-to-day conversation. 

Give your audience something to walk away with. 

One of the first things you’ll do in your blog research is look up how other publications and your competitors write about a certain topic. One of the biggest issues with content writing is making it useful and meaningful for your readers. Your blogs should be useful and ensure that readers walk away with valuable information. This could be in the form of a ‘how to’ article or simply suggest a tool or tactic to make processes simpler. 

The more you blog, the better you’ll become at it, you’ll reap the benefits in terms of traffic and leads in the long run. Building a successful blog takes time and by avoiding mistakes you can grow your blog traffic much faster. At Blue Whale Media, our expert content writing team have years of experience in writing blogs, why not get in touch for more information about blogging?