10 Aspects of Good Web Design

Tips and tricks to improve the user experience of your blog

10 Aspects of Good Web Design

The quality of any website depends solely on its design. Your well-designed site, involving accessibility and utility, defines performance and not just visual design. Your website is the best way to present your local company in Manchester. Most people will visit your website before they visit your business or spend money with you. Therefore it is imperative to ensure your website gets across the right message. Failure to do so could end up ruining your company’s image. 

Even if you use great call to actions and have good content, it might not help if the web page itself looks low in quality. But even a simple, user-friendly and well-built website usually performs amazingly, even if the design is not so attractive. Efficiency solely depends on the web page’s effectiveness.

How should you build a good website?

Good website design requires a wide variety of experts with experience in various fields. Their joint efforts help when there is a crucial decision to take place. These design concepts would certainly enable web designers to design great templates and increase the usability of the website.

  • Easy to use

Too much design on your website may not be helpful. Adding too many things on your page can make visitors get distracted from your website’s original aim. Simplicity often helps in the creation of a successful web page. A nice and clear webpage makes your website attractive as well as lets users move from one page to the next quickly. Going on a website with designs that does not meet the objective can be confusing. Keep the template simple so that users can find it very easy to use and work their way efficiently.

  • The objective of the website

Web design in Manchester is not something that you are going to make up as you go along. A target will give you a clear plan and direct the form of design and content. Your website has to satisfy the needs of the customer. Having a simple, clear purpose on all pages would allow the user to engage with what you have to give.

There are several different uses that websites may have, but there are basic goals common to all websites. Any website needs to describe its field of expertise and build up a good reputation. It is also vital to create leads, orders, and follow up care. 

  • Content

Good content is helpful, simple and directs the public to the actions you want them to take. SEO should be prepared for and connected to the content.

To follow a content-first approach means dealing with real content from the start of the design process. 

Effective web design has a unique layout and relevant content. Using exact words, great content will attract and influence users by turning them into customers.

  • Accuracy

The accuracy of website design makes a huge difference. Pay attention to balancing the design elements of each page. You should understand that the types, text size, titles, sub-titles, and key kinds should be alike all over the web. Plan it all. Finish the font and the correct colours for your text, keys, etc., use the same in the creation process. Cascading Style Sheets will be useful to hold full details on design types and features.

  • Loading time

Almost half of the online users expect the site to load in 2 seconds or less and possibly exit a site that does not load within 3 seconds. Nobody likes a website that takes a long loading time. Ensure your site does not take too long to load by improving image sizes, merging code into a central CSS or JavaScript file as it reduces HTTP requests. Also, minimise HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for improved loading speed.

You can test your website speed using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool.

  • Accessibility

Most people use their phones or other devices to search on the internet. It is crucial to design a responsive website that can adapt to different displays.

If your website is not compatible with all display sizes, there is a probability that you will lose the fight against your rivals. There is a range of web designing aids or branches through which you can transform the style of your website into a creative and responsive one for all display sizes.

  • Colours and images

The right blend of colour looks more attractive to users, while a bad mixture can cause confusion. You must choose the right mixture of colour for your website, creating a comfortable setting, and leaving a positive effect on visitors.

Improve customer satisfaction by choosing a fit colour combination to provide a complete appearance to your website. Care to apply white lines to avoid visual noise and untidiness. Similarly, do not use too many shades; three to four shades for the entire website are enough to offer an attractive and transparent scheme. Even when you put up photos avoid using multiple vivid images.

  • Simple Navigation

Navigation is the way to find the structure used on websites where people connect and see what they are searching for. It is a website’s secret to attracting visitors. If web surfing is confusing, visitors can give up and find what they need somewhere else. The trick is to keep navigation easy, simple and straightforward on each tab. Most people prefer to stay on websites with easy navigation. Thus, consider building a great and easy page, creating clickable buttons for successful navigation. 

  • Good Interaction

The main objective of customers is to acquire facts, and if the webpage they are in can communicate effectively with them, they will most likely spend more time on that website. Techniques that can create effortless contact with visitors are – arranging information using titles and subtitles, using points in place of lengthy sentences.

  • Typography and readability

Typography has a very critical part to play on your website. It controls focus and functions as a visualisation of the voice of the brands. Regardless of how good the design is, the text always controls the website as it provides users with the details they need. You should keep the fonts visually appealing and readable to users, together with keywords, meta-data, and other SEO-sensitive elements.

Consider the use of styles that are easier to read. Make proper orders of typefaces for every design feature, such as headlines, body text, buttons, etc.


Web design is not just about how the website looks but also about how it operates and how it reacts. When working on a website, web designers include not only those factors that bring visual appeal to it, but they also aim to make it highly available, fast and useful. To build a friendly and productive website, designers need to adopt specific guidelines that serve as rules or essential points to bear in mind.

Keeping in mind the above concepts of good website design, you can easily create an artistic and practical website. Without this base, it would be challenging to move a long way. You can only succeed well with a clean and user-friendly interface. A website with great user-friendliness and usability will always excel in business.