How To Create Reader-Friendly & SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

Tips on how you can create reader-friendly and SEO-friendly blog posts

How To Create Reader-Friendly & SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

It is easy to go on talking and writing about the things you love. However, publishing an exciting blog post that is both SEO and user-friendly requires quality content. Catering to both SEO-friendly requirements and the need to make your post reader-friendly may sound complicated at times. You want to use keywords to be SEO-friendly but do not want to overstuff your content with keywords. You do not want to scare away your audience with bad content. Optimised blog post with great website content is the key to increase your rankings. Your goal is to have fun writing, provide information to readers whilst ensuring search engines appreciate the content so you can improve your website SEO.

Deciding On The Topic & Title

First thing first, think about what you want to talk about. Which fields are you most confident in and want to share with the world? Do you want to write because you simply want to share your thoughts? Did you decide to write because you want to promote your business or to attract more subscribers? What is your goal for your readers after they have read your post? Answering these to yourself, and you will already have a topic.

For a catchy title, try to find out how others might search for the content you want to write. Those searches refined can be your title.

Set A Target Audience

Which type of readers are you targeting? Teenagers who might need a solution for facial break-outs or older people who wants health tips? A pregnant woman who wants to know a better and more proper diet? Do you want to reach out to students, customers, clients, or office goers? Write it out like you are talking to them personally, which will help you choose the right voice and words to use.

Structuring Your Content

Before actually beginning to write the content, try making a structured plan for your content. Write a few lines about what you want to register as an introduction to the topic. Pen down what you want to include in the body. Also, make sure you already note down how you want to wrap it up. Once you have a summary of what you want, you can start typing the actual content. This will help you in maintaining the structure and not getting lost midway.

Keyword Research

No, researching for keywords is not out of trend. Keyword research has been and is still a vital role for an SEO-friendly post. It will let you find out what your target audience usually searches for and how you can solve those queries. Using the constantly searched keywords that are related to your content will help Google find you.

Once you have noted down the keywords, you can use those words related to your content. Do not overuse them. To avoid overusing a keyword, you can research for related keywords that can fit your write-up. 

Find the intent behind what the audience wants to find out behind those keywords and answer them. Solve their confusion. Finding out the keywords is essential but finding out the solution to those popular queries and posting it is more important.

Headings & Subheadings

Dividing your content into parts giving each part a summarized clear heading will help your readers understand more easily. They will know what they can expect from each paragraph. When you have proper titles for each section of your body, it also tells search engines what you have in store. When you have correctly structured content, it is easily understandable- very much friendly to readers. If users love it, SEO loves it too. 

Use Short Paragraphs

For example, you have going to talk about the benefits of eating gooseberries. Writing five hundred or a thousand words about the services in just a long paragraph can bore your readers. You need to explain each point you want to speak about in each section with proper headings. You can talk about its nutritional value in a paragraph, antioxidants in another, and so on. To keep paragraphs short, do not split a single point into multiple sections. In the end, the goal is ‘quality.’ 

Optimize The Content Length

Let your content at least have a minimum of three hundred words. They say long-form content is good for SEO. But hey, an endless blog post sounds boring too! If you are not that skilled, keep your content crisp, clear, informative, engaging, and let it end that way before you start boring your users. But you may be an expert in that field of whatever you are writing, and you may have the skills to keep your audience engaged. In that case, go ahead and write those long ones.

Try to get an idea of how long you may be allowed to write to be SEO-friendly. You can check out the length of other related posts that is doing well in SEO. This will give you an idea about up to which length the search engine is appreciating.

Add Related Links

You may have other related posts you have posted that might give an in-depth explanation of what you may be referring to in another new content. In cases like that, consider adding the link to that post. This will help users to get a better understanding and make your content more powerful. 

For example, if we were to write a blog about website design then we will instinctively end up including links to WordPress, WooCommerce, plugins etc – because they are relevant websites and resources which we use ourselves when developing a new website!

Meta Description 

A meta description is a description that becomes a part of the snippet. Defining your Meta Description properly will help people know what is on your page more clearly and possibly increase the click through rate. When more people visit your page, the search engine will consider your result to be a good one and move up your ranking.

When everything is done and ready to be posted, make sure to proofread your entire content. Then post your masterpiece for the world to see.