Tips To Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Game

Tips To Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Game

Tips To Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Game 

There are over 660 million registered professionals on LinkedIn and it is one of the largest resources for B2B marketers to use. This means if you’re not already on the platform or aren’t using it to its full potential, then you need to reconsider! In this blog, we will discuss some of the best ways to improve your LinkedIn marketing skills whether it’s for your company or yourself.

Optimise your profile 

When creating and adding to your profile on LinkedIn, it is important to make small improvements such as optimising your profile in order to increase your chances of being noticed. Although this might sound like a basic step to take, it is actually one of the most important. You should ensure you have a high quality profile picture on your profile, such as using your logo to ensure new customers and clients know exactly who you are and what your brand stands for. As well as having a professional logo you should also ensure you have a good quality header. 

Publish quality content that adds value 

LinkedIn is less about creating marketing content and more about posting content that adds value to your business. For example, the content you put out should serve a purpose to your audiences, like educating, informing, guiding, inspiring or entertaining. This will improve your chances of getting your audience to engage with your company. When someone engages with your posts it is likely that they will then show up on other users’ homepage. 

Involve your employees 

One of the most important aspects of LinkedIn is to have many connections. Your employees are the best people to help strengthen your company as they can broaden your reach on the platform. To get your employees involved you should ask them to add your company to their profiles. By doing this it automatically turns them into followers, meaning your company will get noticed more on the platform. This also makes it easier for your employees to engage with your posts. You could ask your employees to join relevant LinkedIn groups, share content, and highlight accomplishments. 

Send out personalised InMail 

Personalised InMail is another marketing idea you should consider doing for your company. Although, this feature is only available for individual premium accounts and not through a LinkedIn company page. Delivering personal InMail is always a successful way to reach out to new customers because it is so direct and personal. LinkedIn InMail actually gets more engagement and replies than a standard email. This makes it a good way to promote your products and services to the relevant prospectus. You can also send out offers, discounts and share new products.

Run Ads

The Matched Audience feature on LinkedIn allows you to create adverts that can be specifically directed to certain audiences, for example, people who may have visited your account or your email contacts. Because these people already have some familiarity with your company they are more likely to be converted. If you retarget them, you’ll gently remind them of your existence and gradually nudge them toward conversion.