Why are press releases more crucial than ever?

Why are press releases more crucial than ever?

Why are press releases more crucial than ever? 

While social media has quickly become an indispensable tool for both small and large businesses, finding out what drives successful reputations for companies is one essential component – a press release. 

A press release is a good public relations tool, especially for a start-up or a growing business. A press release can publicise important and useful information about company events, product launches or announcing company news. Although press releases have greatly changed in format and use over the years, when companies release the importance of digital marketing, they’re still incredibly useful and beneficial. 

But we need to ask ourselves, why are press releases still important in the era of digital media? At Blue Whale Media, we value the power of a press release when it comes to sharing company news or milestones. Here’s why our media and marketing team believe the press release is more important than ever. 

Importance of a press release

In today’s landscape, press releases are becoming increasingly more important because they can: 

  • Improve brand image 
  • Increase your levels of credibility
  • Assist an organisation in reaching a wider audience

Both large and small companies in every industry are now using social media as an integral tool in their public relations strategy, so much so that social media and public relations are synonymous. This means that alternative publishing options are becoming much more viable, with some businesses self-publishing online. Releasing an online press release allows you to directly communicate to a larger audience or target a specific group. 

What to use press releases for? 

Businesses have realised the importance of online marketing and self-publishing press releases; here are some of the main reasons or ways you can use a press release: 

  • Announcing new products or services 
  • Improving brand image and reputation
  • Images used with press releases drive more interest 
  • Instant UK-wide distribution that is paid for and free 
  • Expand public knowledge
  • Viral possibilities 
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Google ranking factor 

The goal of a press release

The main purpose of all press releases is to promote something significant and specific, but doing so in a transparent way. Beyond that, a press release is a document that adheres to a strict format and serves three marketing and promotional objectives: 

  1. Notify the media about an event or launch in the hope that they will spread the word
  2. Share something about your business; maybe a reporter will see a story within your press release and write a news article about it 
  3. To promote your business appearance and reputation on the internet via blogs, websites and social media platforms.

Successful publicity depends on sustained efforts and press releases are a key part of any PR strategy. With a press release, you can communicate your story, your business challenges, business purposes and how your adding value to communities. 

At Blue Whale Media, we have a dedicated team of content writers who have experience writing press releases and distributing them to a network of media outlets and journalists. Why not get in touch with us for more information?