Why You Should Advertise Your Small Business On Social Media

Why You Should Advertise Your Small Business On Social Media

Why You Should Advertise Your Small Business On Social Media

Social media advertisement is a lucrative form of digital advertisement. About 37% of the global population is using social media, which amounts to 2.8 billion people. Many small businesses utilize this marketing technique because of its profitable nature.

What Are The Advantages?

Advertising through social media is becoming popular because of its effective results. We will be listing some of its greatest advantages:


Social media advertising enables you to reach a ton of people, and it is continually growing. About 55% and 45% of men and women, respectively, are using Facebook globally. This statistic shows that regardless of who you are trying to target, your business can reach them via this channel. Plus, it does a great job of retaining a giant online presence. However, the key is to focus on the social platform where your target spends the majority of their time.


Social platforms provide psychographic and demographic data to content marketers. It allows you to fully control the people seeing your free ads, paid ads and also make your custom audience. It brings the desired traffic to your site.


Paid advertisement of social media comes with a PPC or Pay Per Click. It gives you full control over ad budgeting. It only makes the payment when the users finish your action.

Brand Building

If a new visitor finds you through an advertisement, they will be interested in reviewing your organic type of social activity. It is before they form a concluding opinion. Ensure that everything that you are posting on your social media is reflecting your brand regardless of it being a paid or organic activity.

Saves Time

Once you fine-tune and set up your ads, allow them to run. You will be spending less effort and time on this online marketing work. But ensure that you monitor it from time to time.

The Ideal Social Media Channel for Your Business


The Facebook ads cater to both small and large businesses because of their expansive database and low costs. People with small budgets can use this platform. You have an audience of 2 billion users. The factors that influence your Facebook ad costs consist of your ads’ relevance score and target audience.


Instagram has great potential when it comes to marketing, especially because of its 800+ million users. Instagram has the edge over other social media platforms because of the following reasons:

  • You can utilize filters to target a specific audience.
  • The post engagement is higher compared to Facebook.
  • Consumers mostly engage with businesses on Instagram.
  • Its dashboard allows clear tracking.


Twitter features 330 million active users every month. 80% of the Twitter users consist of affluent millennials. Twitter ads consist of different types such as Promoted Tweets, Promoted Trends, and Promoted Accounts.


LinkedIn features about 546 million users from 200+ different countries. Many professionals use this platform for delivering messages that are relevant and targeted through text ads, sponsored content, and sponsored InMail.

The Right Way to Launch Your Campaign

You need to follow the following steps for effectively launching your campaign of social media advertisement:

  • You need to set your main objective.
  • Start identifying your target audience.
  • Pick the correct images.
  • Use a strong CTA (Call-To-Action).
  • You need to be sure of what you are going to say.
  • Pick the correct ad type.
  • Ensure that the landing page is correct.

Testing & Optimising Campaigns

For your social media advertising to be successful, you need to test and optimize your campaigns. You should also build profiles for your customers by taking into account their name, age, residence, interests, etc. Also, ensure that you are split testing when you begin to run ads.