Xpress Relocation

Xpress Relocation Portfolio

Xpress Relocation.

Xpress Relocation have over 25 years of commercial and household removal experience and can provide customers with exceptional relocation services.



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What We Did.

Our website design team created a modern and brand-specific website that highlights their brand identity and matches their current logo for further brand awareness. We created a well spaced out website and wrote content to give the website a more professional look whilst also showcasing their services. The design also includes angled sections on the pages which enhance how easy the website is to view.

Our team have included a custom mobile menu that is animated to help with the interactivity and engagement of the website on a mobile device. We have also added customised navigation specifically for the desktop version of the website, which will give a unique look and feel to each page. Large headings and specific images have been added on each page giving the user a better understanding of which page they are on.

Biggest Change.

The new website for Xpress Relocation is designed to be more simple for the consumer to use. The new site has custom navigation, created for desktop to give a unique look to the navigation of the website. The website also includes large headings with full-width images used per page in order to give the user a bold understanding of which page they are on. Finally there are angled-sections and translucency throughout the site to give it a fresh and more distinct look.

Hover Animations
Search Functionality
Custom Navigation for Desktop and Mobile
Angled Sections which gives a Unique Design

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