The Best Way to Overcome the Struggle of Writing Your Website Content

The Best Way to Overcome the Struggle of Writing Your Website Content

Website content is vital for your business website. Content doesn’t only advertise your products and services on a worldwide platform, it can be a massive help for your Website to be seen in the eyes of search engines such as Google & Yahoo.

So your lovely website now has structure in place, fantastic high resolution images and all your different pages ready to go. However, as soon as it comes to content, you quite frankly, don’t have a clue where to start.

Do not worry, our Professional web design Warrington experts are here to help get you through the struggle of writing your own website content, and give you some different options to get the perfect content to go alongside your professional business website.

Information to Know before you start to write your website content

Before you start to put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, there is one vital piece of information you need to know about Website Content. The more content you put on your website, the better the chance of your website being seen on search engines like Google. So this raises the question: How many words do I need to have in my website content to achieve a high website ranking on Google?

The answer to this question is difficult. No one truly knows how many words Google likes however with over 18 years of SEO experience and having studied the latest Google reports. To achieve a high position & first page rankings, you are looking at a minimum of 1000 words per page.

It was only a couple of years ago that Google was looking at around 500 words per page for a website. However, with website content being one of the main factors for how Google ranks your website, the word count has now doubled. Overall, this is making website content even more important. You need to get it written correctly and having all the correct information to eventually lead that customer picking up the phone or buying online.

Ok so after reading all that I know what you must be thinking. 1000 words is a lot to write!

For you maybe, yes. However here at Blue Whale Media Ltd we have a large team of Graduated UK Writers who write website content on a daily basis. They start by viewing your services & information about your business. A combination of notes supplied by yourself and our own dedicated research in to the topics, creates the perfect platform for our writers to get started on creating a fantastic piece of website content which will help your website deliver and convert from views to enquiries.

The Process

We start with including headings for each section of your content and digressing in to your business and services in an engaging manner which will flow once anyone sets eyes on your website.

Headings all the way within content are vital in order for your Google rankings (there is many other factors in website content which contributes to your website ranking highly within search engines such as Google)

As for the engagement and the way the content flows. This is the secret sauce which sets our content writes apart from other web design & marketing agencies who just simply outsource your work, overseas and you get back a poor piece of content which is not effective at all. This is not what you need for your business website

The final piece of the puzzle is being able to implement your chosen keyword in to the fantastic piece of content which has been written. Your chosen keyword has to be a relevant word or phrase which you believe people will search in order to find your Website & Services. An example of this could be “Dog Walkers Warrington”. It is extremely important to target a specific location through your keyword as this is what people in and around where your business is based, will be searching.

Keyword Strategy

Deciding on a keyword or phrase can be difficult as you may not know what are the most popular terms people will search and also what locations to target – your business may be able to operate in more than one area and region.

Once again this calls for professional SEO experts at a top web design Warrington company. Before starting any project our website content writers and SEO experts have in depth meetings discussing how your content will work with what best search term.

Of course all of the above can be achieved by taking a large chunk of time out your day and getting some practice under your belt. However, if you are like many business owners who never have the time to do this yourself, purchasing some affordable website content is the best way to go.

Cost of Professionally Written Website Content

Website content starts at £50 per page here at Blue Whale Media Ltd. For the amount of time and effort which goes in to every piece of content we deliver, it is worth every pound. I always think of purchasing website content in terms of how many enquiries this will eventually lead to. You pay a couple of hundred pounds to get all your website content done professionally and for it to work within Google. This content boosts your website straight to the first positions of Google and other search engines, leading to lots of phone calls for customers wanting your products or services. Next thing you know, the content has already been paid off and a healthy ROI is already in the bag.

For high quality & unique to your business website content, get in touch with the Blue Whale Media Ltd team today by calling 01925 552050. You can also email us directly at We have new offices in Birchwood Boulevard (Across the road from Birchwood Shopping centre) so if you would like a meeting to discuss your project in more detail, the team are more than happy to do so.

We look forward to hearing from you for all your content needs, including blogs, articles and press releases. Just like your website content, all of these types of content help to rank your website higher in Google and get more customers on the phone or through the door.

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