Cheshire Counselling Services

Cheshire Counselling Services Portfolio

Cheshire Counselling Services.

Cheshire Counselling is a Registered Senior BACP accredited counselling service and psychotherapist, we are also qualified as group facilitators and educators in the field of counselling and supervision. The specialisms they provide vary from stress, bereavement and loss to anxiety, depression and relationship issues.



More Traffic
More Conversions
Lower Bounce Rate
Success Rate

What We Did.

Our web design team created a minimalist website for Cheshire Counselling with professional images that give the site a friendly but reputable look. The website is simple but accurately reflects their professional but personable approach towards counselling. The web design team also included a slider with calls to action so the web visitor can navigate through the site easily.

Our content and SEO team ensured that the website was at the top of the google search results for chosen keywords and phrases. The content included on their pages enhances their professionalism and provides accurate information for website visitors.

Biggest Change.

For Cheshire Counselling, the biggest change to the website has been the SEO Marketing service we provided. This development will allow the company to be seen by their target audience on the search engines amongst its competitors. Looking forward, this will increase sales and online presence.

Full Screen
Sticky Navigation
Social Media
Custom Map

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