Advanced CSS Techniques

A list of some of the best advanced CSS techniques to use on your website

Advanced CSS Techniques

CSS is used to style HTML in terms of how they should be presented on a web page. CSS can be used to change colours, positioning and many other aspects of HTML elements. It can also create animations and effects to have a more-engaging web page. Website designers in Coventry and are fascinated by the ways that advanced CSS techniques can integrate with the plethora of existing techniques. Below are some advanced tricks that can be applied to your own websites.

Image Masking

You may want to use an image but perhaps only want to show certain parts of the image. This can be done by using the “mask-image” property. This technique allows you to define a shape that can be used as a mask and applied to an image. Anything that appears outside of the image mask is cropped out but everything within the mask is displayed. It works in a very similar way to how image editing software is able to mask layers. Masking can be done in a couple of ways, masking using images, or masking using gradients.

Zoom on hover

This is an advanced CSS technique that can be used to make web pages more interactive.

This effect can be used on product images, galleries or other aspects of a website that you can zoom into. The “transform:scale(VALUE);” property is used to enlarge images by increasing the scale amount. 

Scroll Snapping

The scroll-snap property is a technique that allows a developer to create controlled scroll interfaces. For example, this property can be used in the gallery section of a website. The page scrolling can be controlled by using the “scrolls-snap-type” property on a main-div or container element. Using this property decides whether the scroll should be horizontal or vertical. It then scrolls directly to each assigned div / container element. An example of this is where you may be scrolling slides, snapping to each slide with the content displaying, on a per-slide basis.

Variable Fonts

These types of fonts are a more modern way to implement fonts into the design of a website. It is a single file that consists of every type of font that a user may need. There aren’t many variable fonts available at the moment, but those that are available can be selected via CSS in order to add them to the website styling as a whole.

Responsive CSS Grids

When a developer is working on a website, they have to cater for all devices, this is done by using media queries and can be applied to the “display:grid” CSS property.  This is an advanced technique that offers different ways to customize a layout regardless of screen size. Both columns and rows can be adapted to show any type of grid that adheres to screen-size based on media queries.

These are only a small selection of CSS animation techniques that can be implemented in order to make your website even more engaging to a user. There are even more techniques available that can make a website even more adaptive. Styling is limitless, as well as the imagination. Masking images then conforming them to a grid layout, whilst also using scroll snapping for each layout is definitely implementable. Combining CSS techniques can lead to a vast array of possibilities!