Best Elements to Animate on Your Website

Best Elements to Animate on Your Website

Best Elements to Animate on Your Website

Animations for websites are extremely important. They play a key role in the user experience and functionality of your site. There are many different kinds of animation that your can use on websites, but in this article I will be showing you a few of the main ones that play an most important role for user experience:

Hover Animation

Hover animations are a great way to catch the users attention to show them something is clickable. This animation is activated when the cursor passes over the elements.

Loading Animation

Although we all hate to see the dreaded loading circle, it does it’s job well. This type of animation is a great way to let your users know that your site is loading something and hasn’t crashed, so you don’t need to leave the page. By utilising this type of animation on your site you can help to increase your users patience, which is typically around 2s.

Parallax Imagery

Parallax imagery is a scroll effect that happens when the background image is fixed but the text on top moves up and down the image as you scroll. This helps to create a seamless effect on the page while the users are scrolling.

Page Animation

Page animation is when an element on the page moves. Parallax imagery can fall under this section too. This mostly refers to text or imagery coming into the screen as the user scrolls down the page.

Slider Animation

Slider animation is very similar to page animation as different elements are animated to appear but instead of being activated when scrolling, they appear after a certain time.


Whether this is a mobile or desktop menu, it doesn’t matter, both menus can have animations. Mobile menus have animations for when the menu burger is clicked to appear the menu. However, desktop menus have hover animations to show it is a clickable link as well as showcasing any sub menus.


Animations are a great way to improve users patience, where to click, keeps users attention, and so much more. However, don’t get carried away with them as you can end up scaring users away instead of retaining them.