The Benefits Of Being A Blue Whale Media Support Customer



The Benefits Of Being A Blue Whale Media Support Customer

As you are probably already aware, here at Blue Whale Media we specialise in Web Design. We have a portfolio of hundreds of website that we have built for our clients. However, we won’t just build you a website and leave you to it. We actually offer a support service where we will look after the maintenance of your site so that you can focus on the heart of your business. So what is included with our support package?

Website Updates

First of all, we will update your website for you. We build our websites in WordPress and use a number of plugins for additional functionality. All of this needs to be kept up to date so that your website runs correctly. If you don’t update your plugins or WordPress itself then the likelihood of your website breaking is increased. If you’re a Blue Whale Media support customer, then we will take care of all of this for you. Our expert web design team are kept in the loop of any updates that take place that will affect your website and will update them for you. If a new version of WordPress is released, then we’ve got you covered. We will make sure your website is always up-to-date and functioning properly.

Plugin and Theme Updates

Keeping your plugins and themes updated is just as important as keeping WordPress up to date. If you don’t keep your plugins and themes up to date, then they may become vulnerable to hackers who can access your site through exploiting vulnerabilities in outdated plugins and themes.

If a hacker gains access to your website, then there Is no telling what damage they might do. They will have access to all the information on your website, which you definitely do not want and that Is why we offer our support service.


You may be asking yourself, what is a backup? A backup is essential a backed up version of your website, or a copy if you will. The reason we perform backups is so that in case your website breaks then we can restore it to an older version where the website was working perfectly fine. A number of things could break your website; however, it is quite rare that this happens. On the off chance that your site does break, it’s better to have a backup otherwise you would have to wait for us to fix your website before we can put it live again. If you have a backup, then we can set the backup to be the live website while we get to the bottom of what broke your website.

Support Time

All of our clients have access to 1 hour of web development time from our web designers. This time is usually spent on support tickets. A support ticket is for when you would like something to be changed or fixed on your website. Simply create a request on our support website and we will action your request as soon as possible.


To conclude, our support service isn’t for everyone. If you’re tech-savvy enough to perform the updates yourself then, by all means, go down that route. However, if you would like us to take care of everything for you so that you can focus on the rest of your business then we are happy to do so.

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