Why Your Business Needs Drone Footage

Why Your Business Needs Drone Footage

In the past few years, drone technology has seen remotely controlled unmanned aerial devices become more compact, affordable and readily available to the general public for different applications depending on the user. This availability to everyone poses a risk if the technology falls in the wrong hands but despite these security risks which experts believe these drones will bring forth, SEO Warrington is confident that the positive impacts outweigh the possible risks. With adequate drone security measures coupled with user responsibility, this technology is potentially a solution to many problems especially in quick responses to emergencies.

A drone’s ability to capture fascinating aerial footage at different angles and heights above the ground has also been a significant upgrade, especially in the film industry. According to SEO Warrington, this function has made it easier to take excellent footage especially to individuals and small businesses who could not initially afford to hire a helicopter or crane for this purpose.

Benefits of Drone Footage for Business

There has been a significant increase in video consumption especially after smartphones came to be an integral part of our lives. Video streaming networks such as YouTube and Netflix have recorded high numbers of visits on the channel with up to 5 billion videos watched every single day. Customers these days also watch videos as part of research on products which they intend to purchase. SEO Warrington believes that investing in a drone will enable the business to get quality videos which will play a significant role in convincing potential customers to go for their products.

UAVs footage also increases the efficiency of performing specific tasks in a business. Insurance companies will be able to perform roof inspections of story building with ease without having to risk human life by being there physically. Less time is also required to complete these tasks with a smaller number of staff which significantly increases the efficacy of the whole process.

Engineering firms have also found these drone films to be very useful especially in the capturing of engineering projects and structures for purposes of showcasing to clients or analysis during repair and maintenance routines. Furthermore, SEO Warrington found out that contractors as well stand to benefit from this films by using these unique footages to show their progress on commercial projects and be able to account for these works at the comfort of a boardroom.

Agribusiness has also been a primary beneficiary of these UAV films, especially where a large acreage of produce is involved. Farmer use drones to fly over their crops regularly and the resultant footage gives an understanding of crops deficiencies, infestation by pests and other variables which pushes for rapid intervention before a lot of damage occurs. The films, therefore, guarantees the farm business best possible returns from their inputs making the venture profitable.

Drone footage is also a comparatively cheaper method of making videos for advertisement purposes. SEO Warrington came to learn that using drones cuts down on the wages incurred by reduction of personnel considering it only requires an operator and someone to handle the camera. Furthermore, the costs a business would have otherwise incurred to hire a helicopter for purposes of getting good quality aerial videos is eliminated leaving the business owner with some money to save.

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