Creating an awesome portfolio


Creating an awesome portfolio

A portfolio is something where an individual can show off their work for various different reasons. It is especially popular for designers to do this as all their work is based around visuals. Nowadays designers can easily upload their work through the internet with a few simple clicks. This is great as work can be easily removed or new more current worm can be added unlike before the internet where designers had to present work through physical means such as printed portfolios. Knowing that you create great and original ideas, what is the best way to put all them together as one?

Pick and choose your designs

When creating a portfolio, you don’t have to include every bit of work you have ever done into it. Set some time aside to pick the work that your proudest of or think is worthy enough to be included. As a designer, you have to realise not all your work is going to be great and have to admit at times that not all your designs are up to scratch to the standard set by others. Pick your strongest pieces, something that you know was a success or received good results and reviews.

Variety is key

As a designer you don’t want to come across as a one trick pony and just showcase work in one form such as website designs or logo designs. With all the variety it doesn’t necessarily mean that everything has to work together. However, the designs of showing the various designs should really be consistent to show its still one person’s work.

Online or physical portfolio

Most designers nowadays are using online portfolios. This is due to the fact that almost everyone is connected through online devices such as phones and computers. Online portfolios, therefore, have more of an advantage as they’re reaching wider audiences at any time. This being said having a physical portfolio is always nice to look at as you can physically hold it. The downfall is that once it’s printed it can’t be updated. This can be a very costly process considering an update could be made everything month.

Having high-resolution work

Always having your work in high resolution is great as it makes your work look better and portray a clearer image. Even when all your work goes online, if you ever wanted to print it out in physical form you would have the opportunity too. Also, clear close-ups are perfect for sharing on social media and any other digital platforms. Overall high res photos give your portfolio a high-quality look.

Staying current

Being in the design world, trends and technology change quickly. The last thing you want is for your work to look outdated. For example, minimalism is very on trend nowadays and designs that look too busy or over complicated don’t work as well. Trends, however, won’t just out date overnight, it will take a bit of time.

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