Design Tips For Your Email Marketing Campaigns


Design Tips For Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Email is one of the most attractive channels to market in, and some would even argue the most important, even in the age of social media marketing. However, email marketing brings with it challenges, mainly that of design. There are infinitely many ways to approach an email design, with it needing to incorporate text, images, colour, and possibly even videos. Here we have some key tips to help you make the most out of your email designs for your campaigns.


Always Keep Your Brand in Mind

Like any form of marketing, your brand should always be the centre of attention. Even if they see your email and decide to not engage with it, they will still see your branding front and centre and keep it in the back of their minds. In every email, make sure to include your logo and stick to your brand colours. That way when customers open your emails they will immediately know who sent it, and it gives them an expectation of what to expect from it.

Make Important Information Stand Out

In the modern world, people are extremely busy, which makes holding people’s attention more and more difficult. From a marketing standpoint, this can make your job extra tricky as you need to keep key information in your audience’s mind. If your emails are nothing but walls of text, it becomes much more difficult to pick out what the purpose of the email is, and make it much more likely that the email will be skipped over entirely. Emails need to be easily scannable, with key points sticking out at a glance. Consider ideas like cutting down how much text you have in favour of images, using shapes to separate information, and playing with different font weights in paragraphs of text.

Use Call to Actions Effectively

A call to action (CTA) is one of the most important concepts to use in marketing, and email marketing is no exception. As before with making important information catch the eye, CTAs should also do this on your email designs. In an email, you need to make clear what potential customers need to click to direct them where you want them to go. Along with this, a good CTA needs a clear intent, so keep in mind what the purpose of the email is. Is it to promote a sale? To subscribe to your blog? Consistency in design needs to be kept in your language as well, and not just the design itself.

Make Your Emails Mobile-Responsive

Nowadays, well over half of all emails are opened on mobile phones. With this in mind, it’s very obvious why emails should be tested thoroughly to work just as well on mobile devices as they do on desktop PCs. When designing your emails, constantly test that they look and work properly on mobile devices, and keep up to date with web technology that does and doesn’t work cross-platform. Another approach is to use the concept of mobile first design, which means that designs are made with mobiles in mind first, and then later adjusted to be responsive on other devices.

Want even more help with your email marketing? Get in touch with us here at Blue Whale Media and see how we can help you and your brand.