Designing a Website with SEO in Mind

Designing a Website with SEO in Mind

When it comes to website design Warrington, the design stage of building a website is when you should begin thinking about SEO.

Most website owners fall into the trap of only considering SEO once their website has been built. This is a costly mistake, that can see you in the long run haemorrhaging money trying to bring your website up to speed.

What’s the best cause of action you ask? When looking for a new website, make sure to go with an agency that has a sound knowledge of SEO so they can weave their magic into your website’s structure.

Blue Whale Media is a website design Warrington agency that also offers a full range of SEO services. In this blog we will tell you how you can optimise your website from the word go.

Discover and Implement Keywords

Discovering and using keywords is essential if you want your website to rank well amongst search engines. We suggest conducting your own research into what key words relate to your business and industry so that you can use them throughout your website’s copy.

A simple bit of research and learning can help you understand where and how often you need to use your keywords. Once you understand, it is time to start optimising your content.

Optimise Title Tags and Meta Tags

The keywords that we just discussed need to be implemented in more than just your website’s on page copy. Optimising your header tags, meta tags and URL Structure is an absolute must if you want to rank well.

Sound confusing? You’re not the first and certainly won’t be the last. If you are not sure about how to do this, contact your website design Warrington agency today for help and advice regarding SEO.

Speed Up Your Website for Improved Rankings

Google and other search engines love websites that are easy to use and fast. If your website takes a while to load, then it will likely be penalized in rankings by search engines.

How can you speed up your website? We can’t give away all of our secrets here but an example of how to decrease loading time is compressing images including on your pages.

Not only are slow pages bad for SEO but they also scare away users, websites that take more than 5 seconds to load can seriously effect bounce rates.

If you need help or advice on how to speed up your website for search engines, contact Blue Whale Media today. Our website design Warrington team and SEO executives can help you increase your optimisation and lower loading times.

Include Plenty of Pages and More Content  

Google loves content, the more of it that you have on your website- the better. By including more and more pages relating to each individual service that you offer, you give Google more content to read and more pages to crawl.

These pages do need to be written with SEO in mind though, a crack team of SEO executives and content writers can easily optimise your website’s content to make sure they have a positive impact on your organic ranking.

Contact Your Website Design Warrington Agency Today

If you would like to discuss how you can incorporate SEO into your website’s structure, contact your website design Warrington agency today.

You can reach us at or call us on: 01925 552 050.

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