G&M Safe Deck

G&M Safe Deck Portfolio

G&M Safe Deck.

G&M Safe Deck Ltd is a family run business that has supplied the construction industry with a wide range of fall arrest systems and products since 2001 to ensure your site personnel is safe from the start of the job until completion



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What We Did.

We created a whole new website for G&M Safe Deck that incorporates a lot of what their old website had but is now more professional and easier to navigate. The new website has a simple but branded colour scheme to enhance brand identity and show customers that they are a trusted company.

Our team also created four brand videos that showcase the services of G&M Safe Deck for example what is Safe Deck, their products, the installation process and free standing. Having a branded video on your company website is one of the best things to boost your engagement and further your brand reputation

Biggest Change.

When creating a new design for the G&M Safe Deck website, we made a lot of changes from the previous development. However, the biggest change was the new videos created specifically for the website. By including these into the design, it allows the company to showcase a modern look and feel to their business. This will give them an edge on their competitors.

Full Screen
Sticky Navigation
Social Media
Custom Map

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