Golden Rules of Content Writing For Your Website

Golden Rules of Content Writing For Your Website

Golden Rules of Content Writing For Your Website 

Readers consume content online differently than any other medium, where they’re more likely to scan the content on a website page briefly. With 3.5 billion-plus Google searches on a daily basis, that’s some competition for your business, good website content is the key to defeat statistics. 

While everyone creates content, one way or another, what matters is the quality of the content. Quality website content can make the visitors stay on your website longer and even make them come back as potential customers. 

Capturing the reader’s interests with good website content can be challenging; well-written content optimised for the web rises to the top of search rankings and holds the reader’s attention. 

At Blue Whale Media, our team of content writers understands what gets the audience’s attention; they’ve put their heads together and given the golden rules for website content writing to achieve success.

Follow the inverted pyramid.

Web readers have short attention spans; they’ll decide whether your website has the information they need in seconds. Structure your content like an upside-down pyramid; the most important information goes at the top, then gradually drill down supporting information and end with tangential details. This is where your target of retaining your audience and viewers must lay and stand capable. 

Write short, simple sentences.

With the short attention spans of typical web users, this demands a sentence of 35 words or shorter. This is so that the content is accessible and easy to read, the reader will naturally reach a wider audience. Focus on using nouns and verbs while using adverbs and adjectives sparingly. Short sentences lead to clarity and they display a form of haste and urgency as well as placing emphasis on what is being said. 

Remove jargon.

The web is for everyone – not just technical experts. You need to make sure the information on your website is understandable and for non-specialist readers. Spell out acronyms, avoid insider language, explain complex or niche industry terms – this will enhance the content on your website. Remember that you need to write for your audience and not for your colleagues or people who work within your industry. 

Mix up your word choice.

When it comes to keeping your audience and web visitors interested, variety is key. We all have those phrases that we keep using time and time again. However, this is not how you want your website content to be. The answer is to keep experimenting with words and many relevant phrases to keep your readers interested. The keywords you use in the content must be consistent because it will confuse the reader and not agree with search engine bots.

In general, content writing for websites is hard work, but remember you don’t need to write perfect texts the first time around. Once you’ve got one draft, you can perfect it and optimise it even more for your target audience. Rely on our professional content writing services to deliver content that works; at Blue Whale Media, we have a skilled team who can create website content that converts. Why not get in touch with us today?