St Helens Business Fair



St Helens Business Fair

This blog is going to be based around the 2019 business fair that we attended, it will contain information regarding the build-up and things I had to create, as well as how I felt the business fair went. I will then proceed to talk about any potential ideas I have for the next event and things that we can do differently.

Build Up

When we first announced that we would be attending the April business fair we sat down for a team meeting and decided that we were going to have 3 stalls all next to each other to make one large one. We also made the decision to initiate a complete rebrand, we decided to completely redevelop all of our other branding and go for a more professional approach in terms of the business. Eve then assigned us all of our tasks to help get the business fair preparation get going, for example, Lewis doing all of his design work, Sam taking all of his pictures, Calum and Matthew working on the website and me doing all of the service videos.

Service Videos

My main job for the business fair was to recreate and rebrand all of the service videos. This included recreating and redesigning the intro. It was something I enjoyed doing however I came into some trouble when the voiceovers came back wrong meaning that I had to add 40 seconds of footage to the videos. This was a fix that wasn’t easy as I was expecting the audio to come back perfectly matching the video, however that wasn’t the case and it took a while to fix them. The new branding meant that the actual editing itself was easier than the last brand due to it being a lot more simplistic.

The Business Fair

The business fair itself was a success, we developed a lot of leads for potential clients and mingled with potentially useful businesses such as a company that does CCTV and we spoke to the charity Mind (that we are climbing up Snowdon for in the near future) who told us to climb for a specific part of Mind, for example, St Helens. We as a team enjoyed taking part in such an event as it also gives us an insight into other businesses and from my point of view, I get to see the graphics side of some other businesses that could be potentially useful to our company in the future.

Ideas For The Next Event

I had an idea for the next event due to one of our selling points is that we use in house editors. I think that we could pre-film some footage with the intention of making an edit out of it and do a live edit on the day to advertise to people that we have professional editors. This could be a major positive as people would be interested to see how complicated it is behind the scenes.

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