How can Facebook be useful for your marketing strategy?



How can Facebook be useful for your marketing strategy?

Although users have a huge variety of different social media platforms to choose from, Facebook still manages to be at the top of the food chain. Having managed to stay the number on a social media platform for so long, businesses understandably flock to Facebook with marketing campaigns. It’s a great way to engage with and broaden your audience, whilst keeping your ear to the ground. You can successfully incorporate Facebook into your marketing strategy by following some of these simple changes that our Facebook Marketing Warrington team have outlined below.

It’s a free tool, so make the most out of it!

Facebook is a great platform to use as it’s free to set up and use. Brands use their Facebook profile to interact with their audience and put their personality out there. Your Facebook profile is a way for you to share more personable elements of your company and its staff. You can use your profile and page to share products and services, as well as more informal content, such as videos, funny posts and pictures. Don’t be afraid to mix in a little humour with your posts; your Facebook profile is a place for you to connect with your audience and create a bond. Our Facebook Marketing Warrington team know the importance of good social media practices and use our Facebook page to connect with our target demographic.

Competitions and contests

You can engage your audience and encourage more interaction by offering them a competition or contest. By utilizing contests, you can expect a higher share and customer engagement rate, as well as higher website visits. Promotions and contests can also increase your brand awareness. Your audience will share your posts and help you spread the word about your business. Our Facebook Marketing Warrington team often use Facebook competitions and giveaways to increase customer engagement and brand interest. It’s great to capitalize on the increase in traffic by uploading some strategic uploads that will get your product and message out there.

Promoted posts

Many brands may have an issue with sponsored posts. Our Facebook Marketing Warrington team often get asked the question, ‘why should I pay for my posts to be seen by people who have already liked my page?’. It’s a very fair question, and the frustration felt by many brands is understandable. However, with promoted posts, there is a base cost, so the price is easily tracked. With promoted posts, you are also ensuring that your brand and your message is seen amongst the often overstuffed Facebook feeds.


Facebook is a vital tool in your online marketing strategy. It can often be overlooked and underutilized by brands who don’t value its reach. Facebook allows your brand to communicate with your target demographic on an even playing field, and can give you an invaluable method of getting to know your audience and for them to get to know you.

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