How to utilise Facebook Ad Targeting to help your business succeed

How to utilise Facebook Ad Targeting to help your business succeed

Facebook is a social media platform with vast possibilities when it comes to targeted ads. Mastering targeted ads and create a successful social media strategy is a key to success, higher conversion rates and customer engagement. Research suggests that the average adult spends around 40 minutes a day on the platform, meaning that if utilized correctly, targeted Facebook ads can give your brand a perfect platform from which to sell our product to your target demographic. Our Facebook Marketing Warrington team have listed a few great ways to utilize targeted ads to reach your target audience.

Research purchasing behaviour

Before you can cater your adverts to your audience, you first need to know how they interact with other ads. Know what your audience responds to in an ad and what they value.

In 2013, Facebook stepped up their advertising game by aligning themselves with data broker companies such as Epsilon and Datalogix. By doing so, they gained access to a database that houses information retaining approximated 500 million consumers data. This data leaves a digital footprint of what exactly you interact with online. Are you having a wedding and are searching and buying wedding items? Facebook can access this pattern of behaviour and advertisers can use it to personalize what you see.

Life Events

Facebook life events offer advertisers an even more in-depth look at your life. Have you recently moved home and updated your Facebook following with tales of the move? Advertisers will see this change in status and target you with more home improvement or mortgage adverts. In essence, this is a way to further personalize advertising to reflect exactly what is happening in their lives.

Our Facebook Marketing Warrington team love how unique the Facebook Life Event targeting option is. You can choose the type of demographic you wish to target at which time. The parameters are easily manipulated and you can choose from a variety of time scales and target audiences via age and where they are in their life (e.g wedding/ funeral/ birthdays).

More specific details

As well as being able to use life events and purchasing behaviour as a way to specify who you are advertising to, our Facebook Marketing Warrington team know that you can use more specific, personal details to cater your audience to your target demographic. Use very personal details such as postcode, jobs or salary. You can also target people who visit your site regularly with free demo products or services as a reward for loyalty and support.


In conclusion, Facebook Ad Targeting is a wonderful tool to help any business filter their audience to reflect their perfect demographic for their product or service. For more information or tips from our Facebook Marketing Warrington team, please visit our website.

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