Improving Your Google AdWords Campaign

Improving Your Google AdWords Campaign

Google AdWords is a useful pay-per-click service for business to display targeted ads on the Google search engine results page. The ads are targeted based on user cookies and keywords inputted by the advertiser. The pay per click model means the service is free to start and you only pay when a user clicks your advert, which is great if you’re new to AdWords or digital marketing in general as you won’t have to commit a huge budget to reach your target audience. Google ads also display at the very top of the search results, higher than organic (normal, non-ad) results. Even with these advantages, it’s important that advertisers and marketers take everything into account to perfect their AdWords Campaign. Join Blue Whale Media as we outline everything you should know to increase the effectiveness of your AdWords campaign.

Keyword Research

As with any other part of digital marketing, keyword research is one of the top priorities to ensure you’re reaching as many people as possible, as well as the right people. You should create a list of keywords relating to your industry, business and services you offer. It’s also helpful to include an area, such as “IT Technicians Manchester” instead of just “IT Technicians.” Google AdWords comes with an integrated Keyword Planner, a tool which generates a list of similar keywords to the ones you input as well as data on how often people search for those keywords, how many competitors are using them etc.

Link Ads To Relevant Landing Pages

This may sound obvious but many people, especially small businesses or businesses inexperienced with digital marketing, tend to forget this. If you’re advertising a specific service, direct the user to that service webpage. They clicked the ad to find out more about that service, not to read your home page. Linking back to relevant pages also increases your Quality Score which determines your PPC cost and search engine ranking.

Exact Match Targeting

Exact Match targeting means your ads will only appear when a user searches for the exact keyword you’ve chosen. This may sound like a disadvantage or a limitation, but it is actually immensely helpful for small businesses who will struggle to compete with bigger businesses. Another tip for small businesses is to use long tail keywords – long and specific keywords as opposed to short and vague keywords. (E.g. “Web Design” to “Cheap web design Manchester”)

Location Targeting

Location targeting is another requirement for small businesses, or any business which only offers services to specific areas or countries. If you don’t use location targeting but only offer services for people in England, you could end up paying for clicks from people living in India – which obviously does not serve your interests. A targeted location can be an entire country, towns and cities or even a radius around a location.

Blue Whale Media

As an official Google AdWords partner, we are specialists in utilising PPC campaigns with AdWords. We use the latest analytical software and tools to ensure your tailored campaign is working for you, providing visible improvements and results for your business. Call the team on 01925 552050 or read our Pay Per Click marketing webpage to find out more!

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