Jennie Bayliss

Jennie Bayliss Portfolio

Jennie Bayliss.

Jennie Bayliss is an intuitive Life Coach, an Emotional Healer, an EFT Practitioner and a Naturopathic Nutritional Adviser, specialising in helping people who are in emotional distress or struggling in their relationships or wish to improve their health.



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What We Did.

Our website design team at Blue Whale Media created a new website for Jennie Bayliss, which fits in with her branding throughout the website including her logo. The extensive use of the logo and brand colours throughout every page of the website, with pink and green being used on eye-catching areas for the web user, enhances the overall brand awareness within the website. With the consistent design throughout all website pages, increases the brand identity of the company and showcases the services perfectly. We added a unique navigation menu that is tiered-horizontally to enhance the desktop version of the website and ensure the user experience is unique. Hover animations have been used on the buttons within the website giving the user increased interactivity when they browse through the website.

Biggest Change.

The new and improved site for Jennie Bayliss includes many new features, including extensive use of logo colours throughout the site, making the pink and green throughout the site, eye-catching to consumers. The site has a new, unique navigation menu created to give a tiered-horizontal navigation method on desktop for users and includes hover animations on buttons throughout the website to help interact with the user. Finally, there is a consistent design used throughout all article pages on the website so that a common theme is present throughout each of the various articles for various categories.

Email Newsletter Signup Feature
Social Media
Unique Navigation
Hover Animations

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