Keeping your marketing fresh year after year

Keeping your marketing fresh year after year

Keeping your marketing fresh year after year 

The world is continually marching forward because the world is growing, changing and adapting. Your business marketing strategy needs to keep up with these changes. Using outdated marketing tactics is a sure way to lose customers and followers. This means your marketing team needs to stay up to date with the latest trends and be as creative as possible. 

It’s important that you try new things and are intentional about staying ahead of the competition to be truly effective. At Blue Whale Media, our marketing team always try to stay ahead of the game with new trends, but they can tell you why marketing goals change year after year and how to keep your marketing fresh. 

Invest in social media 

It’s no secret that social media can be a powerful marketing tool and channel, but consistently declining organic reach can leave small businesses wondering whether it’s even worth posting on Facebook or Instagram. Sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter allow you to connect with current and potential customers instantly. There is much more to it than simply uploading a post and counting likes. Social media requires an investment to reach the right audiences and build a community they’re willing to engage with.  

Value for your customers 

Think about what you did last year with your marketing efforts and ask:

  • Which marketing initiatives offered real value for your customers? 
  • How did they provide value? 
  • Other ways of providing your customers with value. 

So much marketing is self-centered; it focuses on promoting a company without providing the type of value that yields trust and sales. Customers yearn for value and when you meet their demands, you can foster long-term customer loyalty that pays enormous dividends. Providing your customers with value is a fantastic way of keeping your marketing fresh. 

Staying up to date with trends 

The world moves fast, with memes, fashion and new tech rising and declining each day. Your marketing team needs to be involved with each new trend as they emerge. You should be identifying trendsetters and more critical industry leaders to watch out for, read their blog and follow their social media. If you are keeping up with new trends, you need to find which practices are outdated and those here to stay. There’s a reason people buy ads on Google, not through a phonebook. One thing to remember is not to be afraid of getting rid of outdated practices and replace them with new ones. 

It’s not what you do; it’s the way you do it.

It can be easy to jump straight into planning tactical initiatives but your marketing strategy needs to consider the approach, tone of voice, who your customers are and their needs. For example, you wouldn’t use colloquial language in an established business if your marketing is B2B targeted. Just like you wouldn’t be over technical with the language you use to target your customers if you target B2C. Don’t ruin your hard work by building on unstable foundations. 

Regularly reviewing your marketing strategy will make your business more agile and able to cope with your industry changes, whether they’re driven by the customer, your competitors, or outside influences. 

If you would like more information about a marketing strategy, please contact Blue Whale Media today.Â