Latest Developments in SEO

Latest Developments in SEO – Top Tips From A SEO Warrington Agency

Have you built a website for your company to expand your business and build a brand identity? That is, indeed, an excellent idea, but have you optimised it for the search engines? For this your site has to be SEO optimised. SEO is constantly changing and updating. We, at Blue Whale Media, have an experienced and resourceful SEO Warrington team who keep themselves abreast of all the latest developments to give you the best SEO advantage.

Optimise for Several Search Engines

Each search engine has its unique SEO algorithm. According to the latest trends, optimising your website for a single search engine is not enough. You have to give your site the SEO edge keeping in mind all the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, among others.

Mobile Traffic

Year 2015 saw a sharp rise in mobile users and this number is growing. So, optimise your website for mobile users; get responsive web design from our SEO Warrington team to target your audience who are on their mobile phones.

ROI Metrics

Focusing on keyword ranking and getting a top place on the list is not enough. The most important concern of today’s SEO is ROI or return on investment. If the high ranks don’t help in positive conversions, then your SEO does not hold good.

Social Media

A strong presence on the social media like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest has become imperative for SEO. No longer are these mere platforms to share content, but have become effective marketing channels, too. Our SEO Warrington team specialise in designing strong social media campaigns to give your website the best advantage from the social media.

Earning Links

Earning links, rather than building links are more effective, according to the latest updates and changes in algorithm. Building links on unrelated blogs have no relevance in SEO anymore; instead, focus on earning a single link on a high-quality relevant website.

Precise Keywords

The days of using broad keywords are over. Precise keywords, targeting only qualified traffic helps in positive conversions. Moreover, you will have less competition when you use specific keywords. Our SEO Warrington team carries out extensive research to understand the usage patterns of customers for generating search terms and phrases. So give us a call today on 01925 552050 or Contact Us online now! 

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