What Are The Latest Web Design Trends?

What Are The Latest Web Design Trends?

The purpose of any website is to make it more attractive and user-friendly so that visitors are encouraged to get back to your site regularly. Our web design Warrington team at Blue Whale Media keeps itself updated with the latest trends in web design so that you can benefit from it. Let us check out the most popular web design trends that the world loves.

Scrolling Not Linking

The web designs are trending longer scrolling sites. Long scrolling has become popular not only for your homepage but for other pages, too. The visitors prefer this to the earlier trend of linking other pages to the content. This way, they get all the information they require in a single page.

Interactive Websites Through Animations And Storytelling

Websites are becoming increasingly interactive and interesting. Narrative styles are being used to tell the story of a journey. Web designers are also using fascinating animations and videos to secure the attention of the viewers. Our web design Warrington team makes use of a variety of techniques to create attractive websites that deliver positive results.

Large Header Fonts And Typography

Till very recently web designers used large header images as a part of branding. But this has given way to the usage of big header fonts and appealing captions. The typography being used nowadays is also big, for the convenience of the users.

Simplicity Is The Trend – Top Tip From A Web Design Warrington Agency

Too much gaudiness is a matter of the past now. Simple and elegant designs exude class and that is what your users want.

Customised High-Quality Photographs

Websites are increasingly using customised, high-quality photographs instead of sourcing them from stock photos. This adds value to your site and helps you make your unique statement.

Hidden Menus With Slide-Out Or Fly-Out

Hidden menus add to the interest of the viewers. Slide-outs and fly-outs have been immensely popular and are expected to remain so in the months to come.

Faster Loading Sites

With an increasing number of users switching to mobile phones and tablets, every web designer is set to create designs that are lighter. This enables the sites to load faster, making browsing easier and hassle-free. After all, your users are busy people and you should respect the value of their time.

You must be craving to get these wonderful designs for your website. What are you waiting for? Contact our web design Warrington team at Blue Whale Media to make your dreams come true.

Contact us on 01925 552050 now for a free website audit and consultation.

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