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Just Clean Property Care




16th August 2022


Just Clean Property Care wanted to expand their customer base for their most profitable service: roof cleaning. This client had a fairly large service area and could cover all of the North West. Knowing this, alongside the relatively low competition for roof cleaning keywords in major cities, we decided on a thorough Organic SEO campaign to capture the most traffic.


The first step of our research was to find the best locations to target by comparing search volumes found in Google Keyword Planner. In the end, we had a list of 42 total locations which amounted to ~800 searches every month. 

The second step of our research was to judge the keyword difficulty for these locations. We judged that the majority of locations could be won with simply good, relevant content. The larger areas would require some small link-building alongside regular blog publishing.


Our campaign started with the creation of 42 new landing pages, each with 100% unique content so we could efficiently target each different location for the relevant keywords. We also published topically relevant blogs to the website which included internal links to these pages in order to improve indexability and relevancy. Finally, we embarked on a small scale link building campaign to boost the rankings for the more competitive and larger locations.


The website quickly achieved Page 1 rankings for 35/42 locations. From these Page One rankings, 45% of locations were ranking at #1. These rankings for service keywords in targeted locations allowed the website’s organic traffic to significantly increase as well as a major upturn in conversions & business revenue.Â