Moving into A Management Role

Moving into A Management Role

Changing your job role sometimes has no affect but on the other hand it can bring on all new responsibilities. For myself, my change in job role was quite a big deal as I moved into a management role with my very own team to run. To find out how I developed into my new role, keep on reading!

My Role Before Management

Before I moved into my management role, I was working as part of the Marketing team on my own. I had tasks such as creating statuses, uploading blogs, following people on social media, creating graphics, completing on page SEO and all the main duties of running social media campaigns. As it was only myself running all campaigns, the managers decided to bring another member of staff into the marketing team with myself becoming a manager. This was a huge step for myself as I had never been a manager before, but I felt confident with all the experience I had not only within Marketing but also within Blue Whale Media.

New Tasks to Take On  

Once Holli had moved over to the Marketing team, it involved teaching her how to use specific marketing tools as well as getting her used to time schedules and how things ran. As a manager I had the responsibility of showing everything to her and passing her certain tasks that would be taken off myself. In addition to this, I had tasks such as being fully in charge of clients and Blue Whale Media’s marketing campaigns. This meant coming up with new and exciting ideas but most importantly contacting the clients instead of the managing director doing this. Furthermore, I also had control of what marketing events we attended which involved researching which events we on and agreeing them with Gary. I also had the job of attending them with Gary and organising what we would need to take with us. A big task in my new role was creating the blog strategies. This involved researching the client’s keywords, choosing new ones for each month of blogs, approving them with the client and providing them to Holli and the content writing team. A few months down the line, another member was added to the Marketing team which meant more responsibility!

Managing A Team

As my team grew, I had more responsibility to make sure everything ran smoothly. A big help was the involvement of the weekly schedules. This included creating the schedules for my team and deciding what tasks would be given to each member. This helped a lot as I have a copy and my team members have their own copy, so I can monitor what they are doing without having to micromanage them all the time. In addition to this, I run weekly one to one meetings with each team member to check weekly tasks have been completed as well as ensuring they are enjoying their role and if there are any problems that have occurred.

How I’m Getting On

So, an update on how I’m getting on with my new management role…I love it! I have settled into the management side and how to keep on top of my team’s workload as well as my own. I also feel more confident in taking responsibility for the marketing team as a whole as I am always busy which is a good thing, trust me! I feel great having the chance to input in important decisions regarding the marketing for Blue Whale Media.

My Advice for Changing Roles

For anyone who is about to change job role, my advice would be to have confidence in yourself. You were given this opportunity because you deserved it and showed certain skills. My other top tip is to make sure you’re organised, if you go into the new job role being fully organised then you don’t have to worry about anything. Finally, make sure you stay the same! Moving to a higher job role can sometimes rise to people’s heads but remember where you started and use your experience to help others. For our marketing services call the Blue Whale Media team on 01925 552050.

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