Must-Have Meta Tags For Your Website

Must-Have Meta Tags For Your Website

There are different types of meta tags, all of which play a crucial role in the optimization of a site for search engines. They help web pages stand out among the rest and therefore end up among the first when an online search is done. Over the years, it has been questioned whether HTML tags are still important in search engine optimization. Although their use is not as important as I was some years back, there are still some meta tags that are essential as they enhance user experience, make search results look more attractive and most importantly, they provide guidance to search engines. SEO Warrington ranks the meta tags as follows:

Title Tag

The title tag is what search engines use to determine the actual content of a web page and it is also the same title that appears after a search. One thing to note about title tags is that they should be catchy and attractive to site visitors as this will make them want to know more about it. Before search engines were able to know of the site’s content from the title, this is the section where keywords used to be written in order to increase the chances of being among the search results. Title tags are mostly found in search engine results pages (SERPs), social networks and web-browser tabs.

Meta Description

The meta description is another meta tag that is equally fundamental and another speciality of SEO Warrington. This is a short paragraph that usually comes after the site’s title and is used to give more information about the page’s content. It is both helpful to search engines and to the site visitors because it serves the dual purpose of giving page subject and also helps users know if the site will solve their issue. Though not a ranking factor, it is a factor that determines whether users will click on the site’s link or not. Meta descriptions are mostly found on social networks and search engine results pages.

Open Graph

Open graph is another meta tag that was introduced not so long ago but has proved to be an important tool in search engine optimization. It was first introduced by Facebook and later on, other social media platforms like LinkedIn followed suit. Open graph, or rather OG works by giving you control of how site information is presented when shared on social media platforms. Such a step means enhanced site performance which in turn leads to more users visiting that particular site.


Canonical tags are used for pages that have the same content. They work by informing search engines which of the identical pages to prioritize. This meta tag works in two ways; first, it shows search engines that similar pages are not exact duplicates and it also prevents cannibalization, which means that it prevents less important pages from gaining higher ranking than others, just as is done by SEO Warrington.

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